The Burka Is Back!!

Remember that Country Afghanistan, where we spent several trillion dollars over 20 years in an attempt to lure them out of the Stone Age.

Women actually could go to school. Work. Be doctors. Drive a car, show an ankle in public.

Well, the good ole Taliban is fixing all of that with an even more repressive treatment of women. And guess what they have come up with to enforce these draconian rules, ………don’t stone the woman in the town square, fine or imprison her male “guardian” for loosing control of his subject.

Remember back when Biden surrendered, when a US Congressperson ask the Taliban if women would be included in the new Taliban Government? Well, I guess she got her answer.

Oh, by the way. This is all being done in the name of the Religion of Peace.
I think this was the plan all along.
... Ya know what they say... "Elections have Consequences"...

### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
The one religion Democrats won't fcuk with is Islam because they are chicken shit pussies afraid of getting car bombed.

Sorry Astan. You fcuked up, you trusted us.