now Trump is a motivational speaker

VitaMan's Avatar
Former President Donald Trump charges up to $4,995 for a chance to see him deliver a motivational speech at a rally, Axios reported. The events are hosted by the American Freedom Tour.

Chris Widener, the founder of the American Freedom Tour, told Axios that "most all of our speakers get paid an honorarium for the event." Widener did not disclose to Axios how much AFT is paying Trump to speak at these events.

Trump is scheduled to speak at another American Freedom Tour rally on Saturday.

For $9, rallygoers can pay to watch the event from a TV screen in an overflow room. For the presidential package set at $4,995 per person, rally goers can attend a reception and get a photo with Donald Trump Jr.

Above the presidential package is the patriot, for which the price is not disclosed. Included in the patriot package is a chance to get a photo with Trump after watching his speech from the very front of the stage.

AFT told Axios these rallies are not a political venture, saying it's "not a Republican-aligned event or a Trump-aligned operation."
texassapper's Avatar
I'd be happy if Biden could simply speak, let alone be motivational...

I'd be happy if Biden could simply speak, let alone be motivational...

Originally Posted by texassapper
Trump certainly has his faults but he's a Dynamo compared to this idiot.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now is your chance, only $ 4,995 for the package with a photo op with Donald Trump Jr.

Aboutism is alive and well among the Trumpites.
Now is your chance, only $ 4,995 for the package with a photo op with Donald Trump Jr.

Aboutism is alive and well among the Trumpites. Originally Posted by VitaMan
If someone has 4995 burning a whole in their pocket and they pay to take a photo Op with Donald Trump Jr. although I can't see the point in doing that but what concern of that is yours?
The concern is he can't get Trump out of his head where he lives rent free...
Trump does motivate him to start thread after thread about him
He never tells us what the senile old goat does to motivate ANYONE!!
... Too Right! ... How much does Sleepy Joe's BAD
decision-making cost America every time HE opens his mouth??

Bill Clinton used to charge up-to $800,000 dollars for a speech.
And access to him.

Aint America Grand!

#### Salty
Trump has been a motivational speaker since the primaries before his election, and gave some of the greatest state of the union speeches ever delivered ..... I'm surprised VitaMan is just now noticing that fact .....
VitaMan's Avatar
The Trumpites have no defense for Donald. So they try several pages from the standard playbook.
Boredinop's Avatar
What is he motivating? How to cheat on your spouse? Not pay taxes? Declare bankruptcy and fuck people out of millions of dollars? He's a fucking crook.
What is he motivating? How to cheat on your spouse? Not pay taxes? Declare bankruptcy and fuck people out of millions of dollars? He's a fucking crook. Originally Posted by Boredinop
Trump must be a smart crook then. Because as much as he is hated you would think he would be under the jail by now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Trumpites have no defense for Donald. So they try several pages from the standard playbook. Originally Posted by VitaMan
what's to defend VitalessMan?

Speaking Fees for Former Presidents Top $750,000

How Much Obama, Clinton, Carter and Bush Earn By Just Talking

The president of the United States is paid $400,000 a year while in office. They also earn a substantial pension for the rest of their life under the Former Presidents Act of 1958.

But, just like most politicians, presidents don't endure the rigors of the campaign trail and put up with life as the most scrutinized leader in the world for the money. The cash really starts rolling in when commanders-in-chief leave the White House and hit the speaking circuit.

America's former presidents are raking in tens of millions of dollars just by making speeches, according to tax records and published reports. They speak at corporate conventions, charity fundraisers and business conferences.

You don't have to be a former president to rake in speaking fees, though. Even failed presidential candidates such as Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Ben Carson get paid tens of thousands of dollars—and in Clinton's case a couple hundred thousand dollars—per speech, according to published reports.

Gerald Ford was the first to take advantage of a president's status after leaving office, according to Mark K. Updegrove, the author of Second Acts: Presidential Lives and Legacies After the White House. Ford earned as much as $40,000 per speech after leaving office in 1977, Updegrove wrote.

Others before him, including Harry Truman, deliberately avoided speaking for money, saying they believed the practice was exploitative.

Here's a look at how much America's four living former presidents earn on the speaking trail.

Bill Clinton - $750,000

Mathias Kniepeiss/Getty Images

Former President Bill Clinton has made the most of any modern president on the speaking circuit. He gives dozens of speeches a year and each brings in between $250,000 and $500,000 per engagement, according to published reports. He also earned $750,000 for a single speech in Hong Kong in 2011.

In the decade or so after Clinton left office, from 2001 through 2012, he made at least $104 million in speaking fees, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

Clinton makes no bones about why he charges so much.

“I gotta pay our bills,” he told NBC News.

Barack Obama - $400,000

Pete Souza/Official White House Photo

Less than a year after leaving office, former President Barack Obama came under fire from fellow Democrats when it was revealed he was being paid $1.2 million for three separate speeches to Wall Street groups. That's $400,000 per speech.

The $400,000 appeared to be Obama's standard fee, as he had already been paid the same amount for a conversation with presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, the U.K.'s Independent reported. But it was the coziness with Wall Street that bothered those on the left.

Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president, defended the speeches, saying all Obama's appearances had given him a chance to say things "true to his values." He continued:
“His paid speeches in part have allowed President Obama to contribute $2m to Chicago programs offering job training and employment opportunities to low-income youth.”
George W. Bush - $175,000

Ronald Martinez / Getty Images

Former President George W. Bush earns between $100,000 and $175,000 per speech and is considered one of the most prolific speech-makers in modern politics.

The news source Politico has documented Bush's appearances on the speaking circuit and found he's been the keynote in at least 200 events since leaving office.

Do the math. That amounts to at least $20 million and as much as $35 million in speaking fees he's raked in. Though it should come as no surprise given his stated intention upon leaving off to “replenish the ol’ coffers.”

Politico reported in 2015 that Bush does his speaking,
"in private, in convention centers and hotel ballrooms, resorts and casinos, from Canada to Asia, from New York to Miami, from all over Texas to Las Vegas a bunch, playing his part in what has become a lucrative staple of the modern post-presidency."
Jimmy Carter - $50,000

Scott Cunningham / Getty Images

Former President Jimmy Carter "seldom accepts speaking fees," The Associated Press wrote in 2002, "and when he does he typically donates the proceeds to his charitable foundation." His fee for speaking about health care, government and politics, and retirement and aging was listed at $50,000 at one time, though.

Carter was openly critical of Ronald Reagan at one time for taking $1 million for a single speech. Carter said he'd never take that much, but added quickly: "I've never been offered that much."

"That's not what I want out of life," Carter said in 1989. "We give money. We don't take it."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You forgot about Hilda, 22 mil in speaking fees isn’t too shabby for someone who nobody can stand listening to her incessant screeching. Of course, the fear of accidental suicide by not paying off the Clinton’s is omnipresent.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You forgot about Hilda, 22 mil in speaking fees isn’t too shabby for someone who nobody can stand listening to her incessant screeching. Of course, the fear of accidental suicide by not paying off the Clinton’s is omnipresent.

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

HildeBeast is mentioned but not listed because the article focused on former presidents which thanks to Donald Trump she'll never be.

if there is one lasting legacy for the betterment of America it's that HildeBeast lost to Trump. even Old-T the anti-Trumper acknowledged that.
VitaMan's Avatar
Was it just last month Trump wanted you to buy his picture book....a short time before that it was his personalized NFTs. Don't forget the Trump O'Reilly tour.

Not to mention donation requests for Donald's new plane.

Donald Trump Jr. says you must donate or you will burn in hell.