Church's are into the scam and offers prayer and hygiene packs

Church's are into the scam and offers prayer and hygiene packs

Obviously the maybe 10% that are underaged and forced should be helped but the Church's promoted film trailer and article while screaming about children and slavery says, "a safe place for those of age trying to escape the sex trade." They are not children but "of age" and of course they think anyone in the sex trade of course, is trying to escape since adults women have to be rescued from their own decisions to be in sexwork.

The film on the trailer shows police busts and gives example of guy looking at BP on an ad for age 24. Obviously not seeking a minor.

But inconvenient facts get in the way of raising money for saving "girls" from "slavery" of "traffickers."

Again yes they may find a rare case of real abuse but probably 90%+ are consenting adults.

They also use the fake discredited Farley scam research saying the average age into sexwork is age 12-14 - totally debunked.

"Prostitution has long been recognized as a form of organized crime, but more recently the girls are being understood as victims and prosecution is aimed at their handlers. A new documentary brings attention to the slavery side of prostitution and presents Assembly of God Pastor Paula ------- of Forgotten Children, Inc., as a tireless advocate who helps the young prostitutes break free.

"Forgotten Children ministers to girls on the streets by providing hygiene packs and offering to pray with them. Street ministers also share information about Rachel’s House of Healing, a safe place for those OF AGE trying to escape the sex trade. Additionally, Forgotten Children works to grow public awareness of sex trafficking and provides training to those wishing to be part of the solution."

BTW decades ago I was part of a street ministry in Minneapolis with real child victims where Mpls pimps sold teenagers (or younger) to NY pimps. No made up victims or going after consenting adults. The leader was a vice cop and minister (Al P). They did a movie and book "The New York Connection" with detailed factual reports of REAL child victims.

Working with the Mpls Police they had a safe house - again for real actual victims not pretend victims. They didn't have to use a scam like now to go after mostly consenting adults. No one got $millions off it like today, they paid their expenses and was non-profit. Actually this was in my CPA days and I did their accounting records.
Much more at