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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2017, 01:09 AM
Yea yea yea...he was supposed to drain it....but he filled it up with Bankers! What was the point?

Oh fool your dumbass and millions just like you.

bambino's Avatar
Yea yea yea...he was supposed to drain it....but he filled it up with Bankers! What was the point?

Oh fool your dumbass and millions just like you.

. Originally Posted by WTF
And who should he have filled those important monetary and economic cabinet positions with? Flunkies like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? These people never served in Government before and won't stick around when their done.
All new episode of Intellectual Froglegs for the Faux Libertarian Monkey named WTFugly...

Guest123018-4's Avatar
WTF is about as far from a libertarian as John Birch is from Obama.

Oh yeah, WTF, explain to those that call Trump a Fascist what a Fascist really is.
Hint, Obama was as close to one as you could get. I thinck only Hillary could have been more of one than him.
WTFugly is another Bowe Bergdahl...

hedgeless_horseman's Revolutionary Call to Arms

by hedgeless_horseman

Jan 6, 2016 12:27 PM

"The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism."

-Murray N. Rothbard

This ZeroHedge comment, today, by JamaicaJim, caught my eye and started me thinking:

New Gallup Poll – Americans Consider Government A Much Bigger Problem Than Guns

JamaicaJimWed, 01/06/2016 - 08:39 | 7004045

That the US Government is corrupt is not the question. They are.
The questions are;


For the life me, I do not have those answers.
THAT is the issue; what can someone do?

In the movie, Wayne's World, Garth and Wayne are lying on the hood of the Mirth Mobile and staring up at the stars. Garth whistles the theme to Star Trek, then he says, "Sometimes I wish I could boldly go where no man has gone, but I'll probably stay here in Aurora." Many of us are like Garth, wishing to be bold, and maybe even revolutionary.

But the State isn't very worried. They know that we are far too comfortable, and also too afraid. That we will probably stay right where we are.

But some of us may sense that ours is a false comfort, like the turkey in the days before the holiday.

In today’s keynote luncheon at RIMS 2010, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, best-selling author of The Black Swan, told the story of a turkey who is fed by the farmer every morning for 1,000 days. Eventually the turkey comes to expect that every visit from the farmer means more good food. After all, that’s all that has ever happened so the turkey figures that’s all that can and will ever happen. But then Day 1,001 arrives. It’s two days before Thanksgiving and when the farmer shows up, he is not bearing food, but an ax. The turkey learns very quickly that its expectations were catastrophically off the mark. And now Mr. Turkey is dinner.

For those of us that don't want to be a turkey, and that seek a way out of our false comfort...that want to be bold and revolutionary...we must also find a way to overcome our fear. FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. The best way I know to overcome fear is with knowledge. Knowledge allows us to see false evidence as false. Knowledge also allows us to be bold, and to take action, rather than be timid, staying right where we are. Knowledge enables us to be revolutionary.

"A battle of wits was to be fought, and the Boy in Blue was unarmed to-night."

-Abby Buchanan Longstreet

If we want to be a bold, fearless, and an effective revolutionary, then we need to arm ourselves to-night and train for the fight. To that end, please, allow me to suggest this sequential course of action.

hedgeless_horseman's Revolutionary Call to Arms:

1. Read Propaganda, by Edward Bernays.
2. Read Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury.
3. Get rid of your television. Preferably, take it to the dump and destroy it in an extreme and violent fashion.
4. Read Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
5. Make a commitment to not use mind-altering substances for 90 days. If you fail, go to an AA meeting and restart the 90 days.
6. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - 5th Edition, by G. Edward Griffin.
7. Visit a coin dealer and buy some gold or silver Canadian Maple Leafs.
8. Read 1984, by George Orwell.
9. Make your very own set of Fallacy Flash Cards from the list at
10. Hold three fallacious posters accountable on by citing their fallacy.
11. Read The Law, by Frédéric Bastiat.
12. Make a list of your natural rights.
13. Read The Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights.
14. Read Animal Farm, by George Orwell.
15. Research your two senators and one congressman at Make a list of their 10 biggest donors, and send the list to your "representative" in an email or letter.
16. Read War is a Racket, by Smedley D. Butler.
17. Read On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society, by Dave Grossman.
18. Watch the online video of the TED Talk, A radical experiment in empathy, by Sam Richards.
19. Read Anatomy of the State, by Murray Rothbard.
20. Be a volunteer judge at a high school debate.

I pray that many may find the strength and courage to complete this revolutionary training, and to go boldly where no man has gone.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2017, 04:05 PM
WTF is about as far from a libertarian as John Birch is from Obama.

Oh yeah, WTF, explain to those that call Trump a Fascist what a Fascist really is.
Hint, Obama was as close to one as you could get. I thinck only Hillary could have been more of one than him. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I'm damn sure not a chicken shit nationalist!
I'm damn sure not a chicken shit nationalist! Originally Posted by WTF

We know what you are... I scanned your communist propaganda. You are a islamist globalist from Meyerland...

EXCLUSIVE: FBI’s Own Political Terror Plot; Deputy Director and FBI Brass Secretly Conspired to Wage Coup Against Flynn & Trump

Posted on March 14, 2017 by Investigative Bureau

Mere days before Gen. Michael Flynn was sacked as national security advisor, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe gathered more than a dozen of his top FBI disciples to plot how to ruin Flynn’s aspiring political career and manufacture evidence to derail President Donald Trump, according to FBI sources.

McCabe, the second highest ranking FBI official, emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump,” according to direct sources. Many of his top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did not.

This was one of several such meetings held in seclusion among key FBI leaders since Trump was elected president, FBI sources confirm. At the congregation where McCabe went off the political rails and vowed to destroy Flynn and Trump, there were as many as 16 top FBI officials, inside intelligence sources said. No lower-level agents or support personnel were present.

If you are among the millions of Americans who have pondered in recent months whether the Obama-era “Deep State” intelligence apparatus and FBI are working for or against Trump, this is the first definitive proof that the country’s once-premiere law enforcement agency has gone rogue.

The non-elected hierarchy that steer the FBI have declared war on President Trump and his White House inner circle. Make no mistake.

Days after the McCabe tirade, Flynn was forced to resign. That was no coincidence. This is how secret coups waged by the top law enforcement personnel in the top law enforcement agency in any country operate. Efficiently. If the FBI wants you silenced or out of a job, you’ll be unemployed. Ask Michael Flynn and countless others.

Part of the plan hatched at that gathering was to make sure Flynn’s wiretapped conversations were leaked to the media, FBI and intelligence sources said. They were. Did the FBI leak this classified intelligence to the news media? Isn’t that a question President Trump and Congress should be posing? If nothing else, McCabe and his FBI secret council are certainly now suspects of who possibly leaked the intelligence. Seems that a number of polygraphs should be in order.

Embattled FBI Director James Comey did not attend these private meetings of his interoffice revolutionaries, sources said, though he was aware of the gatherings yet did not discourage them or McCabe’s inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric. Some FBI agents have questioned if the Anti-Trump attitude shared in the secret sit downs with the bureau’s top brass is now the official platform of the FBI. The FBI, many agents quietly agree, has proven no friend to the newly minted US president. And they are beginning to understand why.

As far as waging political coups go: So far, so good. The FBI’s secret plan to ruin Flynn worked. And fast. Flynn is long gone. Now they can focus on ruining President Trump. After all, Isn’t that the role of the FBI? Tampering with the president of the United States and his inner circle, neither of whom have broken any laws?

It turns out, however, the FBI isn’t very good at the spy game. McCabe’s dictatorial tone ruffled a number of agents at FBI headquarters who still believe the mission of the bureau is not to wage clandestine warfare against the sitting president and his administration.

McCabe and Comey did not respond to requests for comment. Flynn could not be reached for comment.

This isn’t McCabe’s first rodeo in the cross-hairs of controversy at the FBI where he is outranked only by Comey. In fact, McCabe garnered problematic headlines during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic factions controlled by a Hillary Clinton insider paid the deputy director of the FBI’s wife almost $700,000 in campaign funds before McCabe, who was supervising Clinton’s investigation, lobbied against charging her criminally, according to records and interviews obtained by True Pundit.

Dr. Jill McCabe was a Virginia state senate candidate in 2015. Longtime Clinton family consigliere and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, sent her approximately $675,000 to fund the Democrat hopeful’s campaign coffers. Dr. McCabe, a physician, is married to the FBI deputy director. Mrs. McCabe is a registered Democrat. FBI agents who work with McCabe say he and his wife were both staunch Hillary Clinton supporters.

According to one FBI insider, the McAuliffe-generated campaign funds may have ultimately bought Clinton some strategic breathing room.

“McCabe was one of the few people who backed Comey’s decision not to refer Hillary Clinton to the Justice Department for indictment,” a FBI source said of the July 2016 decision not to refer Clinton for criminal charges for violating email and document safeguards for classified and Top Secret national security intelligence. “McCabe and Comey are both lawyers. They aren’t street agents. They’re more political. We wanted her (Clinton) indicted. They did not.”

Gov. McAuliffe has been an important Clinton family insider for decades. During Bill Clinton’s presidential candidacy and subsequent reelection, McAuliffe often spearheaded investigations into Clinton critics and helped silence women who alleged Bill Clinton harassed or sexually assaulted them, sources said.

Ironically, McAuliffe is currently under investigation by the FBI for alleged campaign-related finance infractions.

McAuliffe’s contributions to Dr. McCabe’s campaign match the exact time frame of the FBI’s parallel Clinton investigation. No contributions were made prior to the FBI’s probe of Clinton. McCabe was overseeing personnel decisions, including assigning agents to the Clinton investigation team, at the FBI’s Washington D.C.’s field office when his wife began her 2015 campaign. His wife lost the election after spending an estimated $1.8 million on the senate run. Three months later, Comey promoted McCabe to FBI Deputy Director in February 2016. The promotion helped fill a very large void created by the retirement of John Giacalone, who was the supervisor of the bureau’s National Security Branch and also the FBI brains and genesis behind the Clinton email and private server investigation. Since the inception of the case, Giacalone had spearheaded the Clinton investigation, and helped hand select top agents who were highly skilled but also discreet. Many of those agents were concerned when Giacalone abruptly resigned in the middle of the investigation.

FBI insiders said Giacalone used the term “sideways” to describe the direction the Clinton probe had taken in the bureau. Giacalone lamented privately he no longer had confidence in the direction the investigation was headed. He felt it was simpler to quietly step aside, walk away instead of fight to keep the investigation on its proper track. Giacalone was a true heavyweight agent at FBI. In fact, he likely should have been running the entire show. His pedigree included running and creating FBI divisions in New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and even serving as deputy commander in the Iraqi theater of operations. But in the midst of the Clinton investigation, Giacalone handed the bureau his retirement papers in February 2016.

The day after Giacalone’s departure, Comey tapped McCabe to help oversee the ongoing Clinton case and personally serve “as the eyes and ears” for Comey, sources confirmed. Since early July 2016, Comey has come under intense fire from critics and the majority of Americans who believe he granted Clinton a get-out-of-jail-free card by refusing to refer the case to the Justice Department for a probable slam-dunk indictment on at least one of potential dozens of criminal charges.

Now Comey, McCabe and their rogue FBI Sanhedrin face a new dilemma: Colleagues who have blown the whistle on the partisan agency, specifically how personal and political philosophies have crept into the FBI and commandeered the bureau’s powerful reach and resources to tamper with law-abiding White House personnel, including the president. That’s called public corruption, a crime the FBI is tasked with investigating.

Just like it “investigated” $700,000 in donations from the Clinton family to the wife of the FBI’s deputy director who, during the exact time frame was tasked with overseeing the investigation of Hillary Clinton. She ultimately was never charged with any crime and McCabe received a FBI promotion. Does anyone have the phone number for the FBI’s public corruption unit? Or does that line ring directly to McCabe and Comey?

We would normally demand a federal investigation into such allegations of collusion. But who would conduct it, the FBI?

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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2017, 09:02 AM
We know what you are... I scanned your communist propaganda. You are a islamist globalist from Meyerland...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'm a libertarian and I'm not from Myerland nor have I ever lived in Myerland.

But you are an old white racist who has let the world pass him by.
I'm a libertarian
Originally Posted by WTF
Libertarian Party
As adopted by convention, May 2016.

As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; you not so much

a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others. you, seldom to never

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized. you, seldom to never

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. you not so much

The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power. you, seldom to never

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.


We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual. now here, its almost laughable you deem yourself a libertarian

there's more
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2017, 01:44 PM
I'm damn sure not a chicken shit nationalist! Originally Posted by WTF
Well, that is good, because we nationalists do not need racist faggots like you!!
I'm damn sure not a chicken shit nationalist! Originally Posted by WTF
To set the record straight once and for all. Just what the fuck are you besides a West Texas Redneck?

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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2017, 02:15 PM
Well, that is good, because we nationalists do not need racist faggots like you!! Originally Posted by DSK
We know who the Homo'in this forum mutherfuckers that are scared to let the Muslims in the country because you're afraid they will chop off your dicksucking heads!

I just figured out what yall were scared of!