Breaking News Breaking News Roger Madcow has Trumps tax returns.

Aaannnd, more egg on her face. Only proves he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005. What a total fcking cuntbag. Gets all her sheep to tune in because of slumping ratings and has shit to show them.
I'll bet StupidStan was waiting to drop this bombshell on us.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

let me sum this up ... nothing burger!!!! bahhaaaaaaa

eat it up libtards! oh .. how's that Clinton Foundation doing these days now the the Lord Emperor is in charge? oh .. there is no Clinton Foundation anymore!!! all that "influence peddling" went south when the HildeWhore got defeated by the Lord Emperor, Ruler of Planet Earth!!

maybe that should be investigated?? ijs


just look at the top posts in that article ... overwhelming support of the Lord Emperor .. he will not take kindly to such disobedience .. heads will roll! starting with the madcow

I haven't seen anything like this since Geraldo opened Al Capone's vault.
I watched this circus, and it is continuing on the Lawrence O'Donnell show.

By first thought. President Trump needs to get another tax lawyer. Geeze, , he paid 35 million on 155 million reported income. That's too much.

My second thought. What's the story? He's successful? He knows how to make money? He has business connections that are worldwide? He does it legally?

If he is doing something illegal, don't you think the IRS would, through all of these years, prosecuted him.

It seems to me that MSNBC and the entire Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Left is banking on is that not that he has done something illegal, but he has done something that they don't like. They seem to think that the rest of America thinks the same way they do.

They still don't get it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I watched this circus, and it is continuing on the Lawrence O'Donnell show.

By first thought. President Trump needs to get another tax lawyer. Geeze, , he paid 35 million on 155 million reported income. That's too much.

My second thought. What's the story? He's successful? He knows how to make money? He has business connections that are worldwide? He does it legally?

If he is doing something illegal, don't you think the IRS would, through all of these years, prosecuted him.

Beats me. Originally Posted by Jackie S

of course they would. in twenty years they haven't found jack shit on Trump .. which means there's noting there to find!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let's see. HE Said he paid $36million. The partial tax return showed something else.

Twitler attacked before you dipshits finished reading the story.

If he has nothing to hide, then wtf is he hiding?

That's worth noting!


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let's see. HE Said he paid $36million. The partial tax return showed something else.

Twitler attacked before you dipshits finished reading the story.

If he has nothing to hide, then wtf is he hiding?

That's worth noting!


. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


oh did i mention that the Lord Emperor's storm troopers are descending upon your pig stye as we speak??

run run run fake jew! run! if we catch u ... we will make u into a BLT!!!!! bahahahahahaha

and we will catch u! the Lord Emperor demands it!!!

BLT on the menu at Nau's ... bahahhahahahahahhahahahaha DIE! pig
Let's see. HE Said he paid $36million. The partial tax return showed something else.

Twitler attacked before you dipshits finished reading the story.

If he has nothing to hide, then wtf is he hiding?
.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you mind chewing with your mouth closed when you're eating your shit sandwich Assup?
lustylad's Avatar
New York Times headline Oct. 1, 2016:
Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found

HuffPo headline Oct. 1, 2016:
Trump’s 1995 Tax Records Suggest No Federal Taxes For 18 Years
The Trump camp is not denying it.

NBC headline Oct. 2, 2016:
Trump Tax Return Shows He Could Have Avoided Taxes for 18 Years

Chicago Tribune headline March 15, 2017:
Trump didn't avoid paying income taxes for 18 years, after all
I wonder why she wasn't as vigilant to try and uncover Omonkey's "real" birth certificate? ..... stupid bitch with her stupid agendas .....
LexusLover's Avatar
I wonder why she wasn't as vigilant to try and uncover Omonkey's "real" birth certificate? ..... stupid bitch with her stupid agendas ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Less than 2 months in Trump's Administration and the media is quickly becoming inconsequential, irrelevant, and unreliable.

They can still go lower if they try harder!
Trump got out the "Cheap Fiddle" again, in the form of MSNBC, and the entire Socialist/Liberal/ProgressiveDemocrat Cadre.

The tune he is playing is, "you're gullible, you're idiots, and you're mine".

One of these days these morons are going to realize that Presidnt Trump knows exactly what he is doing. He has been doing the same thing in Business his entire adult life. And he comes out a winner. He did it during the election. His elctorial plan was pure genius, the proof being the stunned look on just about every professional pundit's face when those returns came in.

So, Dems. Get in line, pick up your coloring book. Go to your safe place, curl up in the fetal position, and dream of Hillary and what could have been.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Aaannnd, more egg on her face. Only proves he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005. What a total fcking cuntbag. Gets all her sheep to tune in because of slumping ratings and has shit to show them.
I'll bet StupidStan was waiting to drop this bombshell on us.
LMFAO Originally Posted by canuckeight
I guess then since he is so innocent he will have no problem releasing his new tax return in full since it cannot be audited yet. That is what a innocent man would do to put any doubts to rest, does anyone want to bet on if he will release them?