Great little anecdote for all of us deplorable Patriots

Found this under a "comments section" not sure if it his own or not:

"If there was a word to describe the liberal mindset on November 8th, it was SMUG. I don't think that in all my years on earth I had ever seen that level of smugness by any party on election day. As I watched news reports and pundit panels and discussions, the liberals were exhibiting what I might describe as a "rancid effervescence." Some of the nastier personalities in the liberal world leered at the cameras and at Trump supporters and touted how Hillary "Agnes Ugdrab" Clinton was about to "wipe the floor" with Trump and his supporters. At the polls, especially in liberal bastions in New England and on the Left Coast, Clinton supporters in line to vote were already in celebratory moods and they were almost giddy talking to one another about what the night would bring. They congregated together yelling slogans and carrying placards and wearing tee-shirts dissing Trump and praising Agnes Ugdrab. Many of them planned celebrations or were invited to liberal sponsored parties where they would celebrate Agnes Ugdrab's election. Some had life sized cutouts of her that they could pose with--labeled "MADAME PRESIDENT." Those rare ones that work rushed home from their jobs and planted their carcasses in front of their televisions and computer screens, hardly able to contain their excitement. As the polls began to close, they ordered in pizza or other eats and no small number had stopped in the afternoon or earlier to purchase alcoholic beverages to celebrate with. As the first results began to trickle in, liberals in front of television sets, and members of the lamestream media were almost rapturous. The earliest results seemed to be indicating that the numbers were favoring Agnes Ugdrab. On the sets of the liberal media, jubilant smiles were evident and they were almost tripping over their own words when they announced that with (just) 2 percent of the vote reporting from Florida, Agnes had taken an early substantial lead. Sure, some swing states were reporting Trump in the lead, but it was still early and they assumed the voting in urban areas would take care of any early Trump positives. By 9 P.M. they were still unable (or unwilling) to see the first hints that all might not be going so well. But by 10 P.M., there was a noticeable change in their facial expressions and their rancid effervescence no longer seemed to be bubbling on the surface. As states like Florida, North Carolina and Iowa were called for Trump, a twisted worry stole across their faces. And then when Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania turned in Trump's favor, we began to see their stone faces with tears falling from their eyes in profusion. The petrified faces of liberals all across the fruited plain seemed almost to emanate the kind of smoke that comes from a fresh, warm dog t~u~r~d on a frosty morn. And as it became more and more obvious that this would not be the coronation that Agnes Ugdrab anticipated, even the rabid liberals began to acknowledge what was to them unthinkable. Television commentators reluctantly noted that the mood at democratic headquarters had become "subdued" and that the crowd was quickly thinning. In liberal households liberal fists pounded on liberal coffee tables all across the nation--accompanied by banal howls of NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! By midnight, the parties had ended, guests had gone home, cold uneaten pizza lay on kitchen counters. The alcoholic drinks that were intended for celebratory inebriation, would now be used to bring about sleep to troubled and disbelieving liberal minds. Meanwhile, sequestered away from the public, Agnes Ugdrab herself was in a drunken fury, throwing things, cursing, even breaking the screen of a large television gifted her by the Saudis. She physically attacked "Little Robby" Mook and others in her entourage and had to be physically restrained as the harsh reality of her utter loss seeped into her pores and saturated her brain cells. And when November 9th dawned, liberals began to grapple with what had befallen them, in disbelief, many going silent on public forums, and experiencing evidence of a dementia that was to be called Trump Derangement Syndrome. They dreaded turning on their televisions and their computers. They were sickened by the thought of what the conversations would be like among their conservative co-workers. Some would riot in the street for nights to come. Others, like toy poodles threatening Mastiffs, boasted of the possibility of turning members of the Electoral College in Agnes Ugdrab's favor, effectively stealing the election. But in the end, it was Agnes that would experience more Electors deserting her than any other candidate in history. I think it is good to continue, on an ongoing basis, to savor the victory we as conservatives experienced on that night--and the prospects of the implementation of our goals and beliefs via the ever-approaching Horriblismic Onslaught (HORRIBLISM = any event or action that liberals despise and conservatives love). The events of November 8th were a mere overture to what Ayn Rand once referred to as The Concerto of Deliverance. Our best hope is that from the liberal perspective, it will all be far worse than they can imagine now. He's THE DONALD--lancing the boil of liberalism all over America. And he is wiping your libtard butts with sandpaper".
Found this under a "comments section" not sure if it his own or not:

"If there was a word to describe the liberal mindset on November 8th, it was SMUG. I don't think that in all my years on earth I had ever seen that level of smugness by any party on election day. As I watched news reports and pundit panels and discussions, the liberals were exhibiting what I might describe as a "rancid effervescence." Some of the nastier personalities in the liberal world leered at the cameras and at Trump supporters and touted how Hillary "Agnes Ugdrab" Clinton was about to "wipe the floor" with Trump and his supporters. At the polls, especially in liberal bastions in New England and on the Left Coast, Clinton supporters in line to vote were already in celebratory moods and they were almost giddy talking to one another about what the night would bring. They congregated together yelling slogans and carrying placards and wearing tee-shirts dissing Trump and praising Agnes Ugdrab. Many of them planned celebrations or were invited to liberal sponsored parties where they would celebrate Agnes Ugdrab's election. Some had life sized cutouts of her that they could pose with--labeled "MADAME PRESIDENT." Those rare ones that work rushed home from their jobs and planted their carcasses in front of their televisions and computer screens, hardly able to contain their excitement. As the polls began to close, they ordered in pizza or other eats and no small number had stopped in the afternoon or earlier to purchase alcoholic beverages to celebrate with. As the first results began to trickle in, liberals in front of television sets, and members of the lamestream media were almost rapturous. The earliest results seemed to be indicating that the numbers were favoring Agnes Ugdrab. On the sets of the liberal media, jubilant smiles were evident and they were almost tripping over their own words when they announced that with (just) 2 percent of the vote reporting from Florida, Agnes had taken an early substantial lead. Sure, some swing states were reporting Trump in the lead, but it was still early and they assumed the voting in urban areas would take care of any early Trump positives. By 9 P.M. they were still unable (or unwilling) to see the first hints that all might not be going so well. But by 10 P.M., there was a noticeable change in their facial expressions and their rancid effervescence no longer seemed to be bubbling on the surface. As states like Florida, North Carolina and Iowa were called for Trump, a twisted worry stole across their faces. And then when Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania turned in Trump's favor, we began to see their stone faces with tears falling from their eyes in profusion. The petrified faces of liberals all across the fruited plain seemed almost to emanate the kind of smoke that comes from a fresh, warm dog t~u~r~d on a frosty morn. And as it became more and more obvious that this would not be the coronation that Agnes Ugdrab anticipated, even the rabid liberals began to acknowledge what was to them unthinkable. Television commentators reluctantly noted that the mood at democratic headquarters had become "subdued" and that the crowd was quickly thinning. In liberal households liberal fists pounded on liberal coffee tables all across the nation--accompanied by banal howls of NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! By midnight, the parties had ended, guests had gone home, cold uneaten pizza lay on kitchen counters. The alcoholic drinks that were intended for celebratory inebriation, would now be used to bring about sleep to troubled and disbelieving liberal minds. Meanwhile, sequestered away from the public, Agnes Ugdrab herself was in a drunken fury, throwing things, cursing, even breaking the screen of a large television gifted her by the Saudis. She physically attacked "Little Robby" Mook and others in her entourage and had to be physically restrained as the harsh reality of her utter loss seeped into her pores and saturated her brain cells. And when November 9th dawned, liberals began to grapple with what had befallen them, in disbelief, many going silent on public forums, and experiencing evidence of a dementia that was to be called Trump Derangement Syndrome. They dreaded turning on their televisions and their computers. They were sickened by the thought of what the conversations would be like among their conservative co-workers. Some would riot in the street for nights to come. Others, like toy poodles threatening Mastiffs, boasted of the possibility of turning members of the Electoral College in Agnes Ugdrab's favor, effectively stealing the election. But in the end, it was Agnes that would experience more Electors deserting her than any other candidate in history. I think it is good to continue, on an ongoing basis, to savor the victory we as conservatives experienced on that night--and the prospects of the implementation of our goals and beliefs via the ever-approaching Horriblismic Onslaught (HORRIBLISM = any event or action that liberals despise and conservatives love). The events of November 8th were a mere overture to what Ayn Rand once referred to as The Concerto of Deliverance. Our best hope is that from the liberal perspective, it will all be far worse than they can imagine now. He's THE DONALD--lancing the boil of liberalism all over America. And he is wiping your libtard butts with sandpaper". Originally Posted by Cherie
It would have been priceless to have seen Agnes Ugdrab meltdown when she realized she would not be elected