An insult to honest providers: Saying Goodbye to the lefties

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The election is almost here and afterwards...well, I expect a lot of our local lefties will crawl back under their rocks and disappear until the next cycle (election, not menstrual). Win, lose, or draw their jobs are done for now. The best thing to call them would be whores but, like the title says, that would be an insult to honest providers. Providers sell their time, their bodies, and their dignity (sometimes) in exchange for money. These trolls are no the honest type. They're selling out their country, the future of their children (or nieces and nephews since no woman would want to mate with a troll purpose), and the future of mankind.
Don't worry though, after Trump wins and the GOP secures two more seats in the senate and takes back the house, no one is going to hunt you down though you deserve it. You can take your scared little scrotum sacks and wait for your orders for the Nazi sympathizer Soros. In some cities you find out what real fascism is going to be like. They have an Antifa candidate leading in the Portland mayors race. Good thing I don't live there.

So...good bye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, shalom, and fuck off.
sportfisherman's Avatar
In Fantasyland ? Is that where this takes place ?

This is the United States of America.

Where do you get off declaring that anyone who doesn't agree with you and supports another candidate is dishonest and selling out the country and our children,and mankind,etc.

Sounds a little dramatic.And autocratic.I guess you think we should just have one choice or no choice.

I remember you are the guy who thinks it is good that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016.

The polling at this time does not support any of your assertions.

The House is not in play.
The Senate will probably go Democratic.
And Trump is finished.

I hope you don't get mad at this enlightenment cause I would like to smoke some of the tobacco you are smoking.
matchingmole's Avatar
The election is almost here and afterwards...well, I expect a lot of our local lefties will crawl back under their rocks and disappear until the next cycle (election, not menstrual). Win, lose, or draw their jobs are done for now. The best thing to call them would be whores but, like the title says, that would be an insult to honest providers. Providers sell their time, their bodies, and their dignity (sometimes) in exchange for money. These trolls are no the honest type. They're selling out their country, the future of their children (or nieces and nephews since no woman would want to mate with a troll purpose), and the future of mankind.
Don't worry though, after Trump wins and the GOP secures two more seats in the senate and takes back the house, no one is going to hunt you down though you deserve it. You can take your scared little scrotum sacks and wait for your orders for the Nazi sympathizer Soros. In some cities you find out what real fascism is going to be like. They have an Antifa candidate leading in the Portland mayors race. Good thing I don't live there.

So...good bye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, shalom, and fuck off. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Chung Tran's Avatar
Looks like Trump is sharing some hard steroids with our fellow member. I have seen delerium on this Forum, but this is a new level.
matchingmole's Avatar
Is he leaving to go to Venezuela with oebsy and TWK
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Where do you get off declaring that anyone who doesn't agree with you and supports another candidate is dishonest and selling out the country and our children,and mankind,etc. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
The Trump lovers aren't exactly a think tank and are just panicking now just like he is. The days are quickly running out for their dummy POTUS.
Lapdog's Avatar
The election is almost here and afterwards...well, I expect a lot of our local lefties will crawl back under their rocks and disappear until the next cycle (election, not menstrual). Win, lose, or draw their jobs are done for now. The best thing to call them would be whores but, like the title says, that would be an insult to honest providers. Providers sell their time, their bodies, and their dignity (sometimes) in exchange for money. These trolls are no the honest type. They're selling out their country, the future of their children (or nieces and nephews since no woman would want to mate with a troll purpose), and the future of mankind.
Don't worry though, after Trump wins and the GOP secures two more seats in the senate and takes back the house, no one is going to hunt you down though you deserve it. You can take your scared little scrotum sacks and wait for your orders for the Nazi sympathizer Soros. In some cities you find out what real fascism is going to be like. They have an Antifa candidate leading in the Portland mayors race. Good thing I don't live there.

So...good bye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, shalom, and fuck off. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Let me prepare a picnic basket full of various delicious crow selections from which you may partake to sustain you in your newfound isolation. Enjoy!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The election is almost here. And afterwards[ ]...[ ]well, I expect a lot of our local lefties will crawl back under their rocks and disappear until the next cycle (election, not menstrual). Win, lose, or draw their jobs are done for now. The best thing to call them would be whores but, like the title says, that would be an insult to honest providers. Providers sell their time, their bodies, and their dignity (sometimes) (tisk tisk) in exchange for money. These trolls are not the honest type. They're selling out their country, the future of their children (or nieces and nephews since no woman would want to mate with a troll on purpose), and the future of mankind.

Don't worry though, after Trump wins and the GOP secures two more seats in the senate and takes back the house, no one is going to hunt you down, though you deserve it. You can take your scared little scrotum sacks and wait for your orders from the Nazi sympathizer Soros. In some cities you find out what real fascism is[]. They have an Antifa candidate leading in the Portland mayoral race. Good thing I don't live there.

So...good bye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, shalom, and fuck off. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Referring to a World War II era musical? What the fuck are you talking about? Living in some weird future existence? Does Kansas suck that bad? Make it believable! Keep trying.

It's coming around. Are you trying to be funny? It's still coming off too dry. Go ahead and be outrageous. Absurdity makes funny. Sixteen below zero is freezing. Not "cold".

In Fantasyland ? Is that where this takes place ?

This is the United States of America.

Where do you get off declaring that anyone who doesn't agree with you and supports another candidate is dishonest and selling out the country and our children,and mankind,etc.

Sounds a little dramatic.And autocratic.I guess you think we should just have one choice or no choice.

I remember you are the guy who thinks it is good that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016.

The polling at this time does not support any of your assertions.

The House is not in play.
The Senate will probably go Democratic.
And Trump is finished.

I hope you don't get mad at this enlightenment cause I would like to smoke some of the tobacco you are smoking. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
The Trump lovers aren't exactly a think tank and are just panicking now just like he is. The days are quickly running out for their dummy POTUS. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Sounds like the putin/trump huggers are going way overboard with the kool aid spiked with bleach. They are making about as much since as trump
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You guys make laugh. Like watching puppies trying to maul a huge bone... I'll miss you when you go back to the ash heap.

Oh, fisherman, you don't score points by lying.
I really don't understand the comment about World War II musical.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I really don't understand the comment about World War II musical. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
What? Who are you asking?
winn dixie's Avatar
What? Who are you asking? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Doesnt matter. You lefties are like interchangeable parts!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What? Who are you asking? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You I guess. Do you need a program?
matchingmole's Avatar
You I guess. Do you need a program? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Thought you were leaving....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You I guess. Do you need a program? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You first mention fisherman, then ask the question without mentioning me.

Do YOU really need a history lesson in WWII films?

{staff edit- ck-- no children allowed regardless}

I thought you were a historian. Or just an ex-sailor using the bill to take acting classes? Work on the creative writing.