Coast Meet and Greet - Invitations are in the PM mail

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
If you have not gotten an invitation and you believe you should have, let me know. If you're a newbie, you will need to be verified by a known lady. So don't whine, get verified.
DallasRain's Avatar
Looking forward to the m&g...yeeeeeeaaaaaaa!!!!!{no w april lets go to the Mall}
elcid180's Avatar
Wish I could join y'all
DallasRain's Avatar
you will be missed!!
sandman227ahb's Avatar
Can't wait! Excellent choice on the location, by the way...I'm sure it'll be just as good as the last one
DallasRain's Avatar
See yall thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Dallas, thanks for the warning. LOL I know I'm going to see alot of you.
Yes, I bought new lube. And new batteries and new shoes! Oiled up the wheels on my 'playcase', cleaned and repacked the playcase, made sure I have the jacuzzi, still suck at poker (it's hopeless) and I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow (first time in 6? or so months) and it's gonna be hard because I'm gonna be all hyper and doing my version of the snoopy dance all day Wed.

The chrome ones and the stout have not come in yet. The snake and the teardrops have. I got the new boots (thank you again and yes I have been thinking very bad things while I oil them).

Cya Thursday.