A call from the WIFE

This morning at 7am I received a call from a pissed off wife.

Now if you have been in this business long enough, your going to get one. Based on how you handle it, is another story all together.

Some say Deny, Deny, Deny..Others say just calmly tell her not to call again.

I did what I Needed to do, she was skipping away happy and not at all threatened or pissed off at her hubby anymore..

What would you have done???
Guess I'm still new, never had it happen in the hobby yet.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Only had it happen once in the hobby, deny deny deny, I told her " I just got this phone & new #. "

My friend always says she was running an ad on Craigslist so he might have gotten her number that way.

It depends on how much ammo/proof they have..emails/eccie account, texts as to how you need to handle it.
I had an angered wife call and text repeatedly....and all for nothing. I only met her husband while working at a SC...I gave like one dance. If it happened to me , I'd deny it....too many crazy ass bitches, and if they are scorned, it could be your ass. Women have the tendency to overlook their mate and ruining the life of the other woman.
Okay Charlotte I'm curious ...what could u possibly say to make his wife happy..unless you offered to do her for free...lol
When a\ lady calls my work number I automatically assume the persona of a an employee at the jewelers store. If they are asking why I called or why the guy called me, I tell them it was a return call to give a quote for a piece he wanted made. That tends to shut them up.

1. I denied having a relationship with her husband, which is true, he just got sloppy and was doing an inquiry regarding my services.

2. I reminded her that it was not her fault that her husband wanted to look elsewhere that all men either liked flavor and or needed to fill a need within themselves, but she should not take it personal, most men do cheat at some points in their lives. The family was the most important factor. ESPECIALLY is there were children involved.

3. Asked if she wanted a job escorting, I could HOOK her up.. ha

4. Proposed a little something, something on the side herself!

She was laughing and giggling with me in the end, but had I really seen her husband, or admitted to it, things might have been different.

Staying calm and understanding was what she needed, nothing worse that a two strung our drama queens on the phone together! She needed a woman to woman talk, someone to reassure her, It was NOT HER FAULT.

I did what I could as a compassionate person, and listened.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, now I am totally shocked!

Do you mean to tell me that providers lie so convincingly as a matter of course?

. . .Are all girls well practiced in the art of deception!


1. I denied having a relationship with her husband, which is true, he just got sloppy and was doing an inquiry regarding my services.

2. I reminded her that it was not her fault that her husband wanted to look elsewhere that all men either liked flavor and or needed to fill a need within themselves, but she should not take it personal, most men do cheat at some points in their lives. The family was the most important factor. ESPECIALLY is there were children involved.

3. Asked if she wanted a job escorting, I could HOOK her up.. ha

4. Proposed a little something, something on the side herself!

She was laughing and giggling with me in the end, but had I really seen her husband, or admitted to it, things might have been different.

Staying calm and understanding was what she needed, nothing worse that a two strung our drama queens on the phone together! She needed a woman to woman talk, someone to reassure her, It was NOT HER FAULT.

I did what I could as a compassionate person, and listened. Originally Posted by Charlotte Carrington
Charlotte - I think you were flirting with her and it turned her on !
You should of told her that you would do a threesome with hubby to put a little excitement in their sex lives .lmao
I know he would go for it !
Ha,, I have seduced a few women in my day.. but thank GOD I had never seen him, OR I might have!!!
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I would just deny and deny and deny. Denial works all the time.
One time I had a wife call screaming at me about who the hell are you, I flipped the script and said, "this is my husbands phone, who the hell are you? are you sleeping with my husband?" She hung up, I got a little giggle and never heard from her again

Once I had a wife tell me that she bugged their house, had a video camera hidden in their bedroom and I tried to deny, until she told me I saw you in that little jean skirt and blue halter, so I told her well I hope you saw him pay me too, its not an emotional connection, he just needed more (they were in the process of a divorce at the time)

Then another time another soon to be divorcee told me that her husband was embezzling money in order to pay me and that legal action would be taken, I told her if thats the case her attorney can contact my attorney

but... normally, I would just say I dont know him, you have the wrong number or just hang up
Number 3 is my favorite!!!


1. I denied having a relationship with her husband, which is true, he just got sloppy and was doing an inquiry regarding my services.

2. I reminded her that it was not her fault that her husband wanted to look elsewhere that all men either liked flavor and or needed to fill a need within themselves, but she should not take it personal, most men do cheat at some points in their lives. The family was the most important factor. ESPECIALLY is there were children involved.

3. Asked if she wanted a job escorting, I could HOOK her up.. ha

4. Proposed a little something, something on the side herself!

She was laughing and giggling with me in the end, but had I really seen her husband, or admitted to it, things might have been different.

Staying calm and understanding was what she needed, nothing worse that a two strung our drama queens on the phone together! She needed a woman to woman talk, someone to reassure her, It was NOT HER FAULT.

I did what I could as a compassionate person, and listened. Originally Posted by Charlotte Carrington
Good job honey!!! I did the same thing, of course she was mad at first and I couldnt say anything for the first few seconds, but as the conversation went on I think the couple should just be swingers because she was ready!!! But all in all everyone left happy n horny!
Iffin my wife ever calls, please deny, deny, deny. Ive got more money than sense so if I by some freak of nature chance slip up, I don't wanna give 50% of my potential hobby funds away!

BTW, Sarah, your fine as frog hairs hunni!