tell me what u think le or just stupid guy

okay so this guy calls me tells me he is on a verification sites so i ask him which ones h tells me he is on usasexguide and he use to be on aspd so i ask him why he is not on a site like aspd he tells me he could of but the site was stupid so he didnt join so Im like okay so asked if he had refrences he told me yes but couldnt remember any of the ladies name then he finall gave me a name but said she moved to another state and he dosent have her number then he says she introduced him to a friend before she left but he cant remember her name then he tells me i ask to many questions i replied its my verification process and i would expect someone who says they were on aspd to know and understand the process and have everything already so it goes faster then he hung up on ........ wtf was he le or just stupid let me know what yall think
  • GNG
  • 08-19-2012, 08:04 PM
You lost me after the first line.

burkalini's Avatar
I don't know if it was LE or not but whoever it was was full of crap.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-19-2012, 08:38 PM
Wouldn't trust him for nothing
pyramider's Avatar
I don't know if it was LE or not but whoever it was was full of crap. Originally Posted by burkalini

Burk is right. If you do not get the warm fuzzies dealing with trying to screen the fucktards just let them go elsewhere.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Kelly, I would say not only was he LE, but also not very bright. Sad thing is that some ladies probably would have agreed to see him anyway. Good for you that you used good common sense....if you can't verify them don't see them! Period!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sounds like he wasn't expecting any screening and you caught him off guard Kelly
Kelly, I would say not only was he LE, but also not very bright. Sad thing is that some ladies probably would have agreed to see him anyway. Good for you that you used good common sense....if you can't verify them don't see them! Period! Originally Posted by bigdaddy49
Either he wasn't bright or he thought you weren't. He actually brought up ASPD and thought you were just going to invite him over!! Using ASPD for street cred. That's too funny.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Kelly, I would say not only was he LE... Originally Posted by bigdaddy49
And you know this? How? This seems to be a recurring theme lately. There appears to be a number of people who can definitely smell out LE based on a heresay posting on the boards.

I doubt the guy was LE. To be honest, he sounds like a hobbyist who is in and out of the game on a frequent basis. It appears he is trying his best to meet the screening process, but is just having a little trouble trying to remember how the game is played. He should be treated like a newbie. BTW, this sounds a lot like some of the challenges I faced when getting back into the hobby game after being out an extended period of time. Before I came back, there was no such thing as screening/verification.
Gladiator69's Avatar
And you know this? How? This seems to be a recurring theme lately. There appears to be a number of people who can definitely smell out LE based on a heresay posting on the boards.

I doubt the guy was LE. To be honest, he sounds like a hobbyist who is in and out of the game on a frequent basis. It appears he is trying his best to meet the screening process, but is just having a little trouble trying to remember how the game is played. He should be treated like a newbie. BTW, this sounds a lot like some of the challenges I faced when getting back into the hobby game after being out an extended period of time. Before I came back, there was no such thing as screening/verification. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Cp, by what info Kelly gave it was and is my opinion he was I know this for a fact? No, but if he is, as you say someone who "is in and out of the game on a frequent basis" then he should know how not only to play the game, but also how the game is played. Safety first, for both the ladies and gents my friend. And if he's not LE I'm sure he will figure it out in short order, as we all did starting out.
Either he wasn't bright or he thought you weren't. He actually brought up ASPD and thought you were just going to invite him over!! Using ASPD for street cred. That's too funny. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I think the jury is still out on this one.....I think you were on the phone with him way longer than you had to be....
Bomb Pop's Avatar
I got street cred Tiffani, i know about that aspd thing too.

I got street cred Tiffani, i know about that aspd thing too.

Originally Posted by Meat Popsicle
You do have street cred in my book. Corbin Dallas is one of my favorite Bruce Willis characters, and your sig line is one of my favorite lines in Fifth Element.
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Awww now im all stoopid. Most girls dont get the reference. Damn im a huge nerd.
You and me both, honey.

And don't you change your name. If you do, it better be just as interesting....