Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 08-20-2012, 01:02 PM
I know this may have been brought up before but I truly believe a providers pics should be updated. Reason being, we are going off those pics and basically creating a fantasy based on those pictures, but if the pictures are old and you're actually forty pounds heavier than the pics you shouldn't be upset if a potential client walks off because that's false advertisement ! Now don't get me wrong there are those that enjoy a full figured woman, and that's great but in my mind 5"2 185 doesn't quite classify you as a spinner. Not trying to ruffle any feathers I just needed to vent !
I think we all been there Gucci but I think that is just part of the game. We all roll the dice and hope it doesn't come up craps
pyramider's Avatar
You got a problem with 10 year old photos?
Oh, it's gettin' REAL recent AND real in Houston as of late:



Originally Posted by beezdat
No prob!

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 08-20-2012, 09:27 PM
Oh, it's gettin' REAL recent AND real in Houston as of late:

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
LMAO ! Originally Posted by Gucci
Well, at least she(?) has high self esteem and high self confidence.

tia travels's Avatar
She also has nice legs and feet.
waverunner234's Avatar
You got a problem with 10 year old photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
Yes because 10 years ago she would be "under aged"
Yes because 10 years ago she would be "under aged" Originally Posted by waverunner234
12 to be exact, and in the 6th grade... (september cut off baby here!)
LaStang's Avatar
Photos are a tool of the business , i wont go buy a new car if all the show in the ads are the previous years models , i'll just shop for another brand thatshows what they have at the time .
You got a problem with 10 year old photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
Who is showing photos of 10 year olds??? That's not right!?!
burkalini's Avatar
I think it's one of the pits of the business. If someone tries to fool you before you even see them then how are they going to be in a session. I can understand maybe a one year old pic but some of them are like 7 to ten years old. I have some providers in my area that have been doing this for at least ten years an never change their pics. WTF ladies
I always make sure my my photos are one hundred percent recent and accurate, I think I do a photoshoot once a month or so since my hair changes and my weigh fluctuates between a 2 and a 6 depending on what mood I am in so I would always want to make sure that the girl you want in the photo is the same as the girl who arrives to you.