I QUIT to make sure I Quit I’m going to commit Hobby suicide

tiggold's Avatar
I’m so fed up that’s it, I’m out of the HOBBY. This not directed towards one person but a few and the last was the Straw that broke the Camel’s back.
I’m leaving the ladies names off.
I preferred a certain type. 18 to 22. Spinners that will CIM NQNS. My choice, if that is what I like, but with this I get the problems. First off. I have had several appointments where I was asked on my way there if I can get condoms. This should be Provider 101 MUST have condoms. RED flag for me. One you’re not ready, two you’ve had too many sessions and ran out, or three. (Well, let’s leave the BB part out) either way. That should be reason enough to cancel.

Two. IF Aunt Flo is visiting. Please let us know before we show up. Not right when we are waiting outside or right when we meet you or to look down and see Blood on our Johnson. VERY big turn off.

Three. Please schedule according. I don’t want to see the guy you just saw leaving as I come in nor do I want to hear the next guy call while I’m in the session. And I certainly don’t want to hear about it.

Four. Please be honest with your incall. If it really is a four Star incall. Not an Extended stay. Or a mattress on the floor. With the rates that are
being asked you can afford a place if not please do not advertise what it is not. Some of us worry about our safety too.

Five. Please be Clean. You expect us to be clean. We expect you to be clean and the incall clean. Some of us are allergic to Smoke or Pets. And have clean towels.

Six. This is a JOB. For you will we work hard for our money so it’s just as hard for us to earn it as it is for you? So, if you don’t want to do this or don’t feel like it doesn’t schedule an appointment. We all need the $$$. But no one wants to spend it and get someone not in the mood or Sick or does not want to do it.

Seven. You expect us to be clean you should be clean to. Please be clean and tested regularly. This is for fun. No one wants something they can’t get rid of or worse.
Eight. Don’t ask for a tip. The reason you’re not getting one is you didn’t do anything to get it.

I had tried to see this person. Set up appointment and they of appointment NCNS. Fine, move on. She is in chat 5 months later and we set up again. Monday She text me she is busy and forgot she had other things planned. OK, she gave me enough notice. The other times we schedule were cancelled for illness. Two weeks later we set a time to meet. OK Session is going great. And then I look down and I see blood. OK this is a killer. So I go wash and I tell her just do the CIM. She can’t and then tells me time is almost up. Well half of it was she left twice to go get condoms and then I had to wash off the blood. Fine I’ll finish quickly. She offers me an Extra 30 mins on the next session. Like I really want another session.
I schedule a session and I get text back. I get there and can’t get in the gate. She tells me to meet me. This waste about 15 mins. We walk back to her incall. She is good and everything is going good and same thing when in Doggie I see. Blood. WTF again. Ok I go wash and tell her to finish with CIM swallow. I confirmed she will swallow. CIM is great but she stops and spits in a towel. OK if you don’t want to do it you should say so. Not tell me you will and then don’t.


I schedule and this time I’ve seen this person before and she gave me a heads up of the Aunt flow visit. So I go for the B & G. I get there no answer. I know her incall as I have seen her before so I go to the location and wait. I get a text can you give me 15 mins. OK I wait and the other guy leaves. Not cool. So I go and have a session. Session when well till the end. Since the other guy was there late my session started late now the next guy’s session is going to be late. How do I know? Her phone is blowing up with text and calls from the next guy. So now I’m rushed to get out.


There is one provider Posted TIPS are appreciated on the incall. Her incall is a blow up mattress on the floor. She smokes and even asked to finish her cigarette before she starts. Yes I really like the taste of your cigs (NOT). And the cats are in the room. One cat even tries to claw my nuts when I was in doggie.
You don’t’ want a nasty client. We don’t want a nasty place.

Extended Stays are not Four star hotels. Enough said.

I have had so many ask to lend or give money or trade for a latter session. Or Can you pay me now and I’ll take care of you later. How about you see me now and I’ll pay you later? Come on?? If you don’t want to do this don’t do it, we all need money. We work very hard for our money and when we spend it we expect to get the same.
I had a few Sugar Babies and when they don’t see me I end it. Then I get the “I know I haven’t seen you in a while but Why did you take the car away? Or Why did you not pay the rent? I’m sorry I promise I’ll see you next week but not now. Or I know it’s been a while sence I’ve seen you but can I have the money anyways? Oh I can't see you tonight but I really need the money so can I have it PLEASE.

Do you want to pay for a Sitter have her not watch your kid or buy gas for your car and only get half what you pay for?

I always shower and shave before a session. Come on ladies. I’ve felt un shaved legs and the BAD Smell. You can smell it you should clean it.

Providers don’t like Hobbist to show up not clean and smelly??? SO do the same.

Eight .
A tip is earned. If your rate is too low raise it. If you advertise it that’s the rate. Why would you expect us to pay more.

How do you like it if we show up and tell you we want a reduce rate or discount? You don’t. Well we don’t want to be told to tip.


I found a new person here and we chatted and then she offers to CIM and NQNS so great but she is out of town. I tell her to see me when she gets back. She gets back and we chat and I set to see her on Wednesday at 8PM. She is ok. I ask about Tuesday and she is OK what time. We text and I move my meetings and set it at 3:30pm and she text me that she is completely open. I know she had an earlier session so with someone. So wanted to make sure she was clean before me meet and I called and talk to her. She says he does not know the name of incall and will text me the address.
I’m driving and I get text of address and NO condoms. I text back saying its going to take 30min for me to get there and tell her to go get it. She text back to cancel. OK I’ll go get condoms. I’m at CVS parking lot I get text that she is locked out of her account, can we cancel and move for Wednesday
The drama then I text at 7pm and we chat when I asked about 8pm appointment she does not respond.

So this should be the end of it.

She text me Thrusday and we chat via text for a little and then she ask if I want to see her.
OK one more try. Saturday
We chat Friday I set 8pm but ask if I can see her at NOON. She said ok so I tell her I’ll call her. 10:30 no answer. 11 no answer. 12:10 she text she just wakes up.
I call and talk to her. And confirm 8pm and she tells me she needs to jump in shower.
We chat a little during the day and at 5pm I send a confirm IM. I drive to the area 60 miles away.
I text no response. I call and the phone beeps busy. I wait 15 min and drive home 59miles back home
I text when I get back in dallas she text back she did not get my text.
Said received calls form sister. OK we have a confirmed appointment. I told you I’m on my way. Didn’t you think to text or call at 8PM? I call her no answer. She said in text she did not get my text or calls. If you can text to make the appointment, and it is a confirm appointment, shouldn't you text back if he NCNS you????

I took a good long look at my this situation and say you know it’s not to be so I’m out of this.

I took this a series of events as a sign that this was not going to happen and I should quit. Don’t know if it was a Mean Joke or just bad luck either way it has cause me to Walk away.


If you don’t want to see the person just say so. We (Hobbist) have to right to choose You (Provider) have the same right to refuse to see us, but Just say so.
Why did I do this well I said when the HOBBY was no longer fun I would quit. These last few times and the STRAW, has caused me to realize that I’m not having fun anymore. I know the 30 plus providers out there are more organized and yes they know what they are doing and even a few 24-28. But you’re not what I want. So, I have realized that I can’t get it I’m going to quit. If I’m not allowed to have a sugar baby and I can’t get what I want. I’m going to quit. Been fun. Hope the ladies lean and guys do the same to respect them and treat them well as yoyou would want to be treated.
And exhale, good luck to you.
Wow, my head is spinning on just reading all that. I feel so sorry for you that you had to go threw all of that bullshit. I hope that you have put up some alerts or reviews of these woman so that others will be able to avoid them as well. I hope you haven't decided to leave though? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the famous tiggold. Well if you do, please take care. Love ya, Tara
robs4.1's Avatar
Wow a series of bad luck and series of events I can not say I blame you. Good luck and see ya around.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Without one single name in this entire thread, this has to be the biggest waste of time for the guys who wish to avoid that same level of drama and bullshit.

Unless and until you REVIEW or post NCNS threads, you can continue to find escorts pulling the same shit over and over and over and new ATM cards (guys with cash) will continue to get treated this way.

Only YOU can help stop this in the tracks.
I wrote a long story......but

I wrote a long story......but

Nevermind! Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I did too.

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-23-2010, 09:31 PM
I’m going to quit. Originally Posted by tiggold
How long will this last? His last retirement lasted about two weeks: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=71299
DorkLover's Avatar
Without one single name in this entire thread, this has to be the biggest waste of time for the guys who wish to avoid that same level of drama and bullshit.

Only YOU can help stop this in the tracks. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

Amen Brother.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Dannie & every one else now more than ever I wish you good luck.

Could every one please not summarize the OP, lost me after the title!! thank goodness.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I mean to be blunt, but not unduly harsh. But this is really simple.

If you let bad providers get away with bad service and suffer no consequences for their actions, that's your fault. They will take all the leeway you give them. If you man up and post reviews of their shitty behavior, they will either 1) reform their ways or 2) go out of business. The choice belongs to you, not to them.

So either do you part or quit bitching.
I mean to be blunt, but not unduly harsh. But this is really simple.

If you let bad providers get away with bad service and suffer no consequences for their actions, that's your fault. They will take all the leeway you give them. If you man up and post reviews of their shitty behavior, they will either 1) reform their ways or 2) go out of business. The choice belongs to you, not to them.

So either do you part or quit bitching. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
OMG, I am in complete agreement with TTH, You have credibility here, and if You don't report, review, or post in the Men's lounge, You are doing a disserivce to Yourself and to Us.....
I mean to be blunt, but not unduly harsh. But this is really simple.

If you let bad providers get away with bad service and suffer no consequences for their actions, that's your fault. They will take all the leeway you give them. If you man up and post reviews of their shitty behavior, they will either 1) reform their ways or 2) go out of business. The choice belongs to you, not to them.

So either do you part or quit bitching. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

tiggold's Avatar
Fair enough. I'll do another in the MEN's Lounge.

Hell what have I got to lose. No provider will see me now anyways.

Since I'm Done.
Sleepy363's Avatar
No provider will see me now anyways. Originally Posted by tiggold
Why would you worry about that since you are retired/retiring?