My reviews from another site...

I realize of course this is probably a lost cause to even ask, but is there any possible way to retrieve my reviews from the now defunct ASPD?

I wasnt sure where to post this question, so if its in the wrong place, please forgive me.
You can find them at
hope this helps!
LazurusLong's Avatar
If you had a user id and password on ASPD, you have the same ID and password on

If there are reviews you cannot find, (many were merged into one forum when it was hacked in 09) you can ask one of the staff to see if they can find them and move them back to public view.

Anyone with old links to ASPD reviews simply needs to change aspd to eraps in the url and they should come up.
On Eraps your review can only be seen if you sign up or are a member.
So linking usually stops viewers when they get to the site and have to join!
On Eccie and if you have the link you can view the review but not the BCD unless you are a male members with viewing rights. This allows you to link your reviews to websites, showcase, p411 and other boards. Best way to do it ECCIE!!
So you ASPD review is gone! Besides if it is that old it is time to see the guy again to refresh his memeory as to how good you were!
I am not sure Eraps even allows links to reviews from other sites!
Tried to post my reviews from Afterhourscentral and they would not load!
I think they have a boner there for AHC LOL
pyramider's Avatar
If there are reviews you cannot find, (many were merged into one forum when it was hacked in 09) you can ask one of the staff to see if they can find them and move them back to public view. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

So the p ws hacked!!!! I knew it.

It was never hacked. We were in complete control of the airport, I mean the web site, the whole time. The racial epithets that appeared on the main page and the mass move of all the threads were URL re-directions caused by solar flares that affected the entire Internet.

LazurusLong's Avatar
On Eraps your review can only be seen if you sign up or are a member.JADE Originally Posted by JadeNow
Not true and has never been true. The only thing hidden was and is the BCD portion. Not sure where you got that false information.

On Eccie and if you have the link you can view the review but not the BCD unless you are a male members with viewing rights. This allows you to link your reviews to websites, showcase, p411 and other boards. Best way to do it ECCIE!! Originally Posted by JadeNow
I'm sure ECCIE appreciates the plug but let's not lie about other sites when doing so. ERAPS is very similar to ASPD only they now have new vbulletin software and have done some forum arranging. ECCIE is the big player where ASPD once was. But best to not ever rely on one site any more. The hack in 2005 and again in 2009 should have proven that to everyone.

So you ASPD review is gone! Besides if it is that old it is time to see the guy again to refresh his memeory as to how good you were!
I am not sure Eraps even allows links to reviews from other sites!
JADE Originally Posted by JadeNow
You are 100% incorrect. As noted, ALL the old ASPD reviews can be found by simply changing in the URL to Apparently you ignored my post above.

As to whether Eraps blocks links for AHC, AHC has come and gone and changed names more than most notorious cash and dash upsellers on BP. The previous owner of AHC also had many alerts in the past and so even though ECCIE gives everyone a clean slate here, that doesn't mean that site owners get a clean slate on Eraps.

Hopefully that clears up any confusion but yes, any reviews from the ASPD site are not lost (with minor exceptions from the hacks) and can be directly linked if needed.

Here is the link if you do not have access you will not be able to see the review?
Why would a girl wish her reviews there if this is the case?
I cannot post them here or on p411!
Also ERAPS blocks all AHC posts!

I never have that problem with Eccie or AHC, posting ads, and getting reviews to link on other sites!

Alerts on AHC? Not sure what you are talking about. It is still opperating, the admin at AHC recommended I join Eccie?
I like , and they all are helpful in meeting fine Gentlemen!
IronMan's Avatar
for AHC, AHC has come and gone and changed names more than most notorious cash and dash upsellers on BP. The previous owner of AHC also had many alerts in the past . Originally Posted by LazurusLong
OUCH those statements are not true? is still the same name and closed to change software on two occasions!
As owner of AHC I never had alerts on me or the site?
I did have a mod open her own site and tried to defame me and the site! SHe is gone and we are still here, Water under the bridge 6 years old!
Take the money and run wow how unfair, no money has been taken from anyone and the site continues to improve with updates and new things to help the Hobby Community!
We also support and help promote!
I even send many members to as we feel you should be signed up to as many sites as you can to promote and protect HOBBY!
Not to sound like an ad, but your statements are unfounded and harsh!
We are as all about protecting the HOBBY!
LazurusLong's Avatar

Sixroks or whatever that was? I got tons of emails telling me I needed to move over to that site and up until this thread, JadeNow had this link in her ECCIE signature line: It is still in her ERAPS review linked above.

Just what was sixrocks if not another incarnation of AHC?

Even after AHC claimed it was shutting down and said I needed to join sixrocks, which I did not, I still get emails now and then from AHC.

At one point, AHC had well over 5000 members and I had a nice email exchange with a provider who told me that one of the reasons she left that site was the shenanigans of the owner and staff. Some of that staff misconduct was gone into some detail on ASPD.

ECCIE has a clean slate for members and that is very true but I have seen discussions allowed about ownership actions (ASPD implosion in December 2009 is a good example).

I'm certain if you want to start a thead about AHC, feel free. I'd bet that of those former 5000 members who felt betrayed and fled the site when it melted down might join in and give their un baised opinion as to why they left.

AHC slit their own throat at a very bad time, ASPD was falling apart and Amber was ill. One of the reasons ECCIE became so sucessful and filled that void (when AHC had once been poised to do so) was that Tbone and Becky had a stellar reputation and still do and when ASPD went down in the beginning of 2009, ECCIE grew by leaps and bounds. People did not return to AHC for a reason.

Can't say the same about AHC ownership and staff.

How long have you owned the site? It's been around more than 5 years.
IronMan's Avatar

Sixroks or whatever that was? I got tons of emails telling me I needed to move over to that site and up until this thread, JadeNow had this link in her ECCIE signature line: It is still in her ERAPS review linked above.

Just what was sixrocks if not another incarnation of AHC?

Even after AHC claimed it was shutting down and said I needed to join sixrocks, which I did not, I still get emails now and then from AHC.

At one point, AHC had well over 5000 members and I had a nice email exchange with a provider who told me that one of the reasons she left that site was the shenanigans of the owner and staff. Some of that staff misconduct was gone into some detail on ASPD.

ECCIE has a clean slate for members and that is very true but I have seen discussions allowed about ownership actions (ASPD implosion in December 2009 is a good example).

I'm certain if you want to start a thead about AHC, feel free. I'd bet that of those former 5000 members who felt betrayed and fled the site when it melted down might join in and give their un baised opinion as to why they left.

AHC slit their own throat at a very bad time, ASPD was falling apart and Amber was ill. One of the reasons ECCIE became so sucessful and filled that void (when AHC had once been poised to do so) was that Tbone and Becky had a stellar reputation and still do and when ASPD went down in the beginning of 2009, ECCIE grew by leaps and bounds. People did not return to AHC for a reason.

Can't say the same about AHC ownership and staff.

How long have you owned the site? It's been around more than 5 years. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

Answers to your questions!
I have owned it for a year now and was a MOD for 5 years!

I applaud Eccie tbone and Becky they have done a stellar Job.

I even personally referred all members of AHC to here while the AHc site was in the process of changing format to sixroksmedia.
The myspace format of sixroksmedia did not fly as it was too public and opened up far too much to google and msn, as a result it was shut down.
All members were transfered free to the reopening of AHC.

All Players on AHC were upgraded to Premium players free and all companions were given full access free.

I will not discuss what a provider discussed with you several years ago about her problems with management and the site! I am not privy to your conversation and assure you most had to be a misunderstanding or just lies!
I may of been a MOD but was not involed with the previous owners disputes which upon investigation were unfounded!
I can only guess what might have been said out of anguish! But again it was 2-3 years ago?
You may have a handfull of people who have a cause and they may be intitled!
The old AHC did have a group of mods who felt other sites such as ASPD were a threat to AHC.
I never felt that way and believe we are all into this together and if we do not help each other then it is not a safe HOBBY!

We still have those 5,000 members signed up on the site and have in the last year signed up 5,000 more new members from other parts of the USA!
We have 87 members who requested we retire their names and we did without question!
If you are getting email you wish to have stopped from Afterhourscentral you may go to your profile and select to have it ceased!

We support Eccie in it's endeavor to provide Hobby info to protect the members!
Sorry you have bad feeling toward the site, I assure you it is not the same site you use to be on!
  • Blaze
  • 09-11-2010, 01:22 PM

Here is the link if you do not have access you will not be able to see the review?
Why would a girl wish her reviews there if this is the case?
I cannot post them here or on p411!
Also ERAPS blocks all AHC posts!

I never have that problem with Eccie or AHC, posting ads, and getting reviews to link on other sites!

Alerts on AHC? Not sure what you are talking about. It is still opperating, the admin at AHC recommended I join Eccie? Originally Posted by JadeNow
Why? Because if you are a smart provider you will have as many reviews as you possibly can on as many sites as you can. More exposure the more opportunities to advertise, DUH!

I have reviews on several sites where you have to be a member to view. Not all the hobby world resides in the south where eccie and eraps are predominant.

I can click links all day long from within eraps to many sites, including review links. Sometimes I have to log in to view and sometimes I would have to be a paid member to view. <-- I'm not lazy, its not hard to become a member or log in!

Some sites are small are are only for one city or perhaps just for a state etc... So when I travel I need reviews on that site for the locals who ONLY view that particular site.

FYI, there is a section in your profile on P411 that you can add review links. It has always been there. WoW!

It amazes me at the things ppl gripe about. Ya, I am admin on eraps so I think I know how things work.
Thank you Blaze for your comments, I agree with most all that you have said. However the ones who I am concerned about inconvenienced are the guys! They are so use to having the link right there, clicking and reading info. ERAPS does not allow such a thing and it is difficult to link even on p411 let alone other sites. The click in their case on a review link requires the reader to be a member and to sign in. Most guys are not members of ERAPS and most will not take the time to sign in.
My links on here and other sites go right through with no problems most open up within the site so you never leave the site, yet you get to read the review!
I am sure eraps has a reason for not allowing people to see the site unless they are a member!

GinaXXX's Avatar
Anyone with old links to ASPD reviews simply needs to change aspd to eraps in the url and they should come up.
Damn, that would have been good info to have BEFORE we wiped P411 clean of all the dead links to ASPD. We could have just changed the URLs.

Oh well, water under the bridge as they say....
