Take a Moment of Silence Today 9-11 9 years later

Hi ladies and Gentlemen just wanted to remind all of you what today is 9-11 it has been 9 years sense the tragedy and i think it would be great if all of you would just have a moment of peace today to remember all of theses that were lost and all the family's that lost people. Its still hard to believe that something like that happened here in the USA.

I remember were i was when this happened I was in high school and was devastated. I thank God that I did not know anybody personally or who was in the area or who gave there life saving the injured but its our right and duty to pray for them as well as the family's who lost more than we can even imagine.

Thanks guys and im sure that the family's would be greatful.
Thank you, Kaci. Not sure anything needs to be added here, so this is mostly just solidarity and appreciation for your thoughtfulness. Great thread.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 09-11-2010, 02:17 PM
God Bless the families & our world thats still hurting or affected from this disaster.

Thanks Kaci this means a lot to me as a veteran
Prowordsmith's Avatar
I am so gratified that there are people who still remember and who stop for a moment in their day to remember all the people who lost their lives in those dastardly cowards' attack.
Please also give another second's thought to the 343 courageous heroes who calmly, resolutely went INTO those buildings as the civilians were streaming out. They were doing their job and paid the highest price for their courage.
Everyone of them was my brother.
I was an engine company lieutenant in Wisconsin...now retired.

For the remainder of 2001 and most of 2002 we were a nation united.
Now we are once again divided against one another - politics, religion, race, sex, whatever.
And now 9 nine years later there is still a giant hole in the ground in New York City.
What a pity...for US!
airlineguy12's Avatar
Being in avaition I remember walking out the door of my house and then being called back in as I was getting in the car when the first news broke. I could tell from the first shots that was no small private plane and something was very, very wrong. I hopped in the car rushed into the office and wound up staying there for about 40 hours straight as everyone was in shock. It was the saddest, angriest and most tense time I have ever lived through, those hours felt like weeks and as information rolled in, it just got worse and worse.
But like everything else that happens, the worst moments bring out the best in us. The heros who responed and gave their own lives to try and save others, to the soldiers who still to this day give theirs all across this world to keep us safe.

If you ever visit NYC, take the WTC tour, it is given by people who lost loved ones there, mothers, wives, children who share their stories about that day and the lives of those lost, workers, firefighters, policemen and women. I promise you will not see a dry eye by the time it is over.

God Bless America, and all those who keep her free.
God bless them.
God bless everyone and their families that went through 9-11, my prayers are with you.
Thanks those that serve! They protect our freedom! Hell if you think of it it they gave us the right to have this site!!!

God bless those who serve!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched the History ch. special from that day and its so amazing that more were not lost. Its really a very sad thing and i could not imigine what it was like for thoses poor people as the stood in non-beliefe at what had just taken place around them.

Thank You to all the service men and woman who fight for us and for our freedom.
Wordsmith's Avatar
A&E had a really interesting show about Rick Rescorla called "The Man Who Predicted 9/11". If you ever get the chance to see it, see it. That man was a true hero. He died in one of the towers on 9/11 trying to save people.

Amen..... It was a very tough day for me ...
God Bless them......I knew one person through my business (never met him) who used to be our insurance broker at one of the towers...Few weeks after the disaster, I called and found out that he was one of the victims of it......This is by far the worst thing that happend to America. God bless them and their families...