Talking about Quantum Physics gets me hotter than watching porn Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
If you must, play some music, but I prefer the TV off. Originally Posted by GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHeadIf the TV must be on, I guess you could watch the Discovery Channel...
Topgun is a former senior theoretical particle physicist at the California Institute of Technology, focusing on string theory and its alter ego M-theory. He held this position for three-and-a-half years. As he was being paid under a grant to specifically research string theory, he is then promoted to junior professor in order to change his field of study to dark matter, with the stipulation that he teach a graduate-level class on analytical mechanics. Previously, he was a visiting professor at the Heidelberg Institute in Germany at age fifteen and examined perturbative amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric theories leading to a re-examination of the ultraviolet properties of multiloop N=8 supergravity using modern twistor theory at age sixteen. His doodle of a hyperelliptic Riemann surface was the basis of his postdoctoral fellowship. He believes string theory better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does loop quantum gravity. Topgun neither gives credence to the notion that quantized spacetime will manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colors (as he expects matter consists of tiny strings) nor that only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes. Nonetheless, he is solely responsible for the university's six-loop quantum gravity calculations. Originally Posted by Topgun007