Date AMP K-girl?

I did Forum Search and didn't find anything. I am sure the subject has been discussed somewhere, just couldn't find it. But here goes.

Blue at Blue was about the most perfect K-girl I ever saw. What would have happened had I given her my number (and she actually contacted me)?

What happens when you try to RW date an AMP K-girl?
landpirate's Avatar
Possibilities are:
A. Your heart gets broken.
B. Your bank account gets empty.
C. Everyone makes fun of you.
D. You live happily ever after. (Just kiddin')
TAZ's Avatar
  • TAZ
  • 07-05-2019, 09:54 AM
A word to the wise....
I lived with a K provider for five years. A past legend in this town.
A wonderful person with a big heart. Smart and a great partner.
She stopped working but eventually she began to have some issues that were obviously a result of a tainted past family life as well as the effects of what this business does to a woman.
She ended up clinically depressed and refused help. Left me and her family. In her words she does not think she is worthy to have happiness.
It is a sad story but I think if you are looking for a relationship in an AMP you might want to think twice.
In my opinion this business just takes the soul out of these woman no matter what they seem like on the surface.
A word to the wise....
I lived with a K provider for five years. A past legend in this town.
A wonderful person with a big heart. Smart and a great partner.
She stopped working but eventually she began to have some issues that were obviously a result of a tainted past family life as well as the effects of what this business does to a woman.
She ended up clinically depressed and refused help. Left me and her family. In her words she does not think she is worthy to have happiness.
It is a sad story but I think if you are looking for a relationship in an AMP you might want to think twice.
In my opinion this business just takes the soul out of these woman no matter what they seem like on the surface. Originally Posted by TAZ
It is a sad story but I think if you are looking for a relationship in an AMP you might want to think twice.
In my opinion this business just takes the soul out of these woman no matter what they seem like on the surface. Originally Posted by TAZ
Very sad and touching story from TAZ, and I think this man gives a wise answer about dating a provider in general.

You might end up living happy with her the rest of your life, but I don’t believe the odds are on your side.
TAZ that's it exactly. Its also the low opinion they have of themselves, self esteem and reason they start in the 1st place. Trying to extract them from the life isn't easy.
Bestman200600's Avatar
There are amp ladies that come here looking for a husband. It would be difficult to make it work.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Date AMP K-girl?

I don't see a happy ending in that.
There are amp ladies that come here looking for a husband. It would be difficult to make it work. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
I wondered about that. Language barrier, do you carry a universal translator or hire a local person to translate?

Once she quits the biz is she finished with sex forever? LOL

If she moves in with you, do 300 of her closest relatives follow?

Will she invite all the other girls at the AMP to stop over for a naked slumber party and BBBJ contest?

Will you eventually hate the taste and smell of Kimchi?

What is it like dealing with a totally foreign person and culture 24/7?

Oh well, just fun to think about it and dream of having someone as hot as an AMP girl around.
White Tiger's Avatar
Taz, thanks for that
TAZ's Avatar
  • TAZ
  • 07-05-2019, 02:44 PM
LOL Dallaswill.
Let me answer a few of those questions.

1. SEX- I will have to say that after they stop working the sex remained exceptional.....really exceptional. Actually it was so much better than in the AMP I have a hard time thinking a civilian girl can even come close now. She will always be the sexiest woman I have ever been with.
So that's one area where it works to your advantage.

2. Family/relatives did not follow. She has a really good family. Her mother was a tough nut but they never expected hand outs or to all live together.

3. Other K girls? Yea it was kind of cool for a while to have them over but she even began to see that they all really had issues.
I would of loved to have had a few dozen threesomes but we both respected our relationship to much to bring it up. Only in a kidding way.

4. God, Kimchi will make your house smell like a Korean street corner. Got used to it but when my kids would visit they always would ask "who died?" LOL
A word to the wise....
I lived with a K provider for five years. A past legend in this town.
A wonderful person with a big heart. Smart and a great partner.
She stopped working but eventually she began to have some issues that were obviously a result of a tainted past family life as well as the effects of what this business does to a woman.
She ended up clinically depressed and refused help. Left me and her family. In her words she does not think she is worthy to have happiness.
It is a sad story but I think if you are looking for a relationship in an AMP you might want to think twice.
In my opinion this business just takes the soul out of these woman no matter what they seem like on the surface. Originally Posted by TAZ
Not worthy of happiness huh... sounds like me. Alot of the stuff people get into is mostly self fulfilling prophecies. If you want happiness seek it, and dont give up till u find it. I am kind of rambling here, I apologize. I just have to say that story left me kind of sad, and really got me thinking about this hobby and the true human cost of it...
I've dated several it is hard to overcome the idea that she wants your money and she isn't acting all the time.

We can all be fooled.

Thankfully I'm cynical and like different women every week so unless she is a true bisexual woman they don't last long with me.

I wouldn't dare get married or let them move in because of the eventual financial consequences.
CosbyCricket's Avatar
I've been living with one for 3 years. Married for 1. We're incredibly happy and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but I will echo just about everything Taz said.

The job is incredibly draining on their mind and body. Long hours, ridiculous customer demands, etc. They put up with a lot. There is a lot of money for them to be made in Dallas, but it comes with the crazy expectations we've come to expect in Dallas that aren't the norm in most other markets.

Our first year or so was rough. She didn't come here to find love. She's working to pay off a substantial debt incurred due to a failed business venture back home. She struggled with self worth issues, feeling that she wasn't worthy of true love or being happy. She coped by drinking heavily. We've worked through those issues now, but the job still took a heavy toll. She took extended vacations often to keep her sanity and minimize the toll on her body. We've visited Korea and spent time with her family. At this point, we're just like any typical married couple. She definitely isn't after my money. She frequently refused my financial help, and often paid for things without my knowledge. I helped her as much as I can, but she considered her debt as something she needed to take responsibility for. I wanted her out of the business as soon as possible, but I respected her decision. She is aware that I still occasionally visit AMPs myself, but that is something I'm working on ending. What can I say, we all have our mental baggage.

A relationship with these women can work if the stars align in your favor. I consider myself extremely lucky. Overall, I definitely wouldn't recommend using an AMP as an avenue to find love. Sure, it can happen, but that isn't why these girls are here. Most of them are here to pay off debts or help their family back home. The job will take a toll on your mind as well. It is true that some of them are here to marry and get a green card, but I would advise not getting involved if that is her endgame.

These girls are not fuck toys. They are real people with real desires and human emotions. Please keep that in mind the next time you're fucking one of them like you want to break them, asking them to do something they've already said no to once, or showing up at an AMP at an unreasonable hour.

Also, to add on to what Taz said - Kimchi sure does stink up the house. I'm used to it, as I've loved kimchi forever. What I can't stand is when she starts cooking Korean radish (daikon). That shit makes the house smell like the dumpster behind a Chinese buffet. LOL
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 07-05-2019, 04:34 PM
Do it for the lulz