Success equals evil

Come on! What is this world coming to? If you are smart enough to create a successful business, you work hard, are reliable, responsible, or a leader, you do deserve to make more money.

Do the math! If I make $200,000 and I'm paying 30% in taxes I'm already paying more than the person making $30,000.

It doesn't make sense and this entitlement bs has to stop. Earn it! That's my new motto. Sorry for the rant, I'm watching the news and want to puke when I see my tax dollars being handed over (cash) to an irresponsible individual. There is a reward for having illegitimate kids .Use my tax money to bail out the economic crisis
Nothing like the "illegitimate kids" argument. Never mind.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
food stamps
housing support
school lunch program

did I leave any entitlements out?
All brought to you by our generous democratic party.
I have to pay for someones kids to go to school with property tax money and I don't have a kid.
good points Heidi
food stamps
housing support
school lunch program

did I leave any entitlements out? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes, there is also home telephone, cell phone, and in quite a few cases medicare (what i mean by medicare is worthless people claiming disability to collect a check while they are able body.

Here is a link about the phones:

Heidi, I hate to say it like this but you do realize what city forum you posted this in?
biomed1's Avatar
This is not a new problem.
As RPM stated this started with the Democratic Party back in the 60's.
Have we finally come to a point where we can start to correct the mistake make by LBJ and his "Great Society".

Be Careful & Enjoy!

We need to grow some balls as a country. I'm all for helping someone but within reason.

did I leave any entitlements out? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Tons. According to the Cato Institute, there are over 2000 entitlements and subsides contained in the 2010 federal budget. Here are a few:

Any number of farm subsides and price supports.
Social Security.
Veterans Benefits.
Veterans Health Care.
Pell Grants.
G.I. Bill.
Wall Street and Auto Company Bail Outs.

No doubt entitlement reform is needed. It is dragging the country further and further in a debt that we won't be able to pay off. But focusing on the small programs won't even put a dent in the problem. Only 25% of entitlement programs come from the Department of Health and Human Services. Less 1% of the federal budget is devoted to programs for women that "get rich" by having "illegitimate babies."

The politicians in DC have to stop screaming at each other and start talking/listening. Otherwise, the big problems that face us today will never get solved. Frankly, I am saddened to see the lack of respect that politicians have for each other. Without that respect, there will never be a level of trust established to actually compromise to get something done.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tons. According to the Cato Institute, there are over 2000 entitlements and subsides contained in the 2010 federal budget. Here are a few:

Any number of farm subsides and price supports.
Social Security.
Veterans Benefits.
Veterans Health Care.
Pell Grants.
G.I. Bill.
Wall Street and Auto Company Bail Outs.

No doubt entitlement reform is needed. It is dragging the country further and further in a debt that we won't be able to pay off. But focusing on the small programs won't even put a dent in the problem. Only 25% of entitlement programs come from the Department of Health and Human Services. Less 1% of the federal budget is devoted to programs for women that "get rich" by having "illegitimate babies."

The politicians in DC have to stop screaming at each other and start talking/listening. Otherwise, the big problems that face us today will never get solved. Frankly, I am saddened to see the lack of respect that politicians have for each other. Without that respect, there will never be a level of trust established to actually compromise. Originally Posted by Stick1969

the problem with entitlements go earlier before 1960, starting with Social Security, farm subsidies and price supports which got its start in the late 30's admist the Great Depression. Other entitlements apparently got ramped up to a large degree in the late 60's under LBJ. It was at that point the Democratic party had changed its political character, it was starting to trending more to liberalism than conservative and it had lost many members of the racists Southern Democrats who changed party affiliation.


good points on those entilements I left out
I'd leave out the ones that help military vetrans in terms of post career issues and recruitment.