New Survey of Hobbyists 60+ and older!!!


This is 'whitefox,' aka Christine Milrod, PhD, sex therapist and long time hobbyist researcher in Los Angeles. I was the resident sex and relationship advisor for over 5 years on "that other board" in a discussion forum. My social science articles have been published in academic journals and I am often asked to provide statements regarding clients in general media (where I try to clear up misconceptions). And now, for the first time ever, a survey of mature, baby-boomer hobbyists over 60 is now underway. Your opinions, attitudes and preferences are extremely valuable - and I am humbly requesting your participation. The survey is anonymous and no IP addresses or any other identifying data are visible to me. The more hobbyists who participate, the more statistical power the survey will have. The results will be compiled and written up in final articles, to be published in academic social science journals and communicated at academic sexuality conferences. Unfortunately I cannot provide a public link to the questionnaire, as this would potentially distribute the survey to individuals who are not hobbyists over 60. Needless to say, I'm counting on the fact that surveyophiles under 60 won't participate ;-) Therefore, I will need you to send a PM (personal message) to me for the link. You may put the word "LINK" in the subject line, and I will PM you back with the URL and any other details you require, including my email ( and telephone number. Regrettably, this survey is only open to male hobbyists over 60. Hobbyists over 60 are a very understudied part of the community and we need to hear from them when it comes to their attitudes and preferences. I thank you very much in advance for your participation and hope you will contribute with your answers!
I'm over 60 and would like to participate.

Check your inbox, Cardinalman :-)
Prowordsmith's Avatar
I am looking at 60 far behind in my rearview mirror.
I think I would participate in your survey, Doctor.
txviking51's Avatar
I will respond
bkat6049's Avatar
Well I'm 13 years past 60 so I guess I qualify.. I'll do it...
timster's Avatar
I'm 62. I'd participate. Tim
RedLeg505's Avatar
>>"Therefore, I will need you to send a PM (personal message) to me for the link. You may put the word "LINK" in the subject line, and I will PM you back with the URL and any other details you require, including my email ( and telephone number."

Just in case you folks missed seeing that part in the OP's message.
darkroot50's Avatar
I'm over 60 and would be willing to answer your questions.
I am over 60 and would respond as well.

txviking51's Avatar
I can prove I'm over 60, I don't know how to PM you!
Greetings, esteemed hobbyists,

This is 'whitefox' aka Christine again, your friendly sex therapist and researcher in Los Angeles. So far, the survey response from kind and generous Baby Boomer Hobbyists over 60 on this board has been wonderful! Statistically speaking, however, there is still a need for an additional (and considerable) amount of gentlemen before I can start analyzing the results; thus, if there are any hobbyists out there willing to share their opinions and preferences in the survey, please do not hesitate to send me a PM or email ( Also, a great big Thank You to the mods and ECCIE in general - it is very generous to provide a forum in which a female researcher (even if she is a friend to the community) is able to come forward and ask for the help of gentlemen over 60. Keeping my fingers crossed for enough hobbyists to come forward so that the study results will be significant :-)
I responded but have not received a poll

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 12-19-2013, 06:40 AM
Yeah, I'm ALL over discussing such matters with a week-old member here with 4 posts. Sure thing!
phillyintexas's Avatar
I've taken the survey and I'm interested in the results. There's no reason to be concerned about taking it--there's absolutely no way the survey is linked to the hobbyist. The reason you only see 4 posts is the individual is a registered member for the purpose of doing a true survey vice being a hobbyist.

Yeah, I'm ALL over discussing such matters with a week-old member here with 4 posts. Sure thing! Originally Posted by bbkid