Back from the stone age

Panama Grey's Avatar
The cable company finally brought my internet back to life. Tried to have a look at the "current" status of the "new" rules - not finding as much info as I'd like. Got questions...

1 Is there an updated "example review" to use as a guideline?
2 The "Activities" on the review. Details like "before" or just stick with something nonspecific?
3 Is the level of detail in the BCD part supposed to be more "tame" under the new guidelines?
(a new "example review" would answer all this, LOL)

Good to see that so many of you survived the storm.

Good hunting,
gman44's Avatar
1. Its just like before except there's no fee, session length etc.basically anything that implies pay for play..

2. Activities are the same

3. so is the ROS but keep in mind the need image guidelines