Baltimore after the storm?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Does anyone know what happened, storm wise, in Baltimore?

It's difficult to find out information about this area of the US. I'm thinking of traveling there, or have been wanting to, and I'm not sure that going there in a few weeks is such a good idea.

If anyone knows anything about Baltimore, I'm all ears! (Figuratively speaking!)

Taka2012's Avatar
Just had a flight transfer in Baltimore on Thursday. I was surprised to find out almost all flights were on time. During landing and taking off, I observed not a single sign of flooding or wind damage on the ground. But i didn't watch any news or TV about how Baltimore was affected by Sandy though.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have searched the newspapers and tried on the internet to find the condition of Baltimore. Then I heard from another friend that there wasn't any noticeable damage there, hence no news.

I appreciate your input, though! It's good to know that traveling there might be an option in a few weeks!

thisguy23's Avatar
You might check the sand box in the Okla forum. Ed Highlight is in Conn and he checks that thread most days.
The thread is the coffee shop go to the last page, The locals check in with each other every morning there, they will welcome you.
Good luck
awl4knot's Avatar
Sandy hit in the area of Atlantic City, NJ and most of the damage was to the northeast, up through Northern New Jersey, New York City and Connecticut. Areas to the south and due west, such as Philadelphia and Baltimore seem to have been spared the brunt of the storm. So it's my guess that Baltimore is pretty safe, although Western MD and West Virginia were stunned by heavy, heavy snowfalls.
Mature Companion's Avatar
With work, family and friends there. The BWI/Baltimore area is okay at this moment.
Some surrounding areas of DC/VA/MD got some water/wind damage. But overall, they fared better than NY/NJ.