Fake Review Hot to get it removed ?

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
so I have a reviews that was made by a handle who has been banned many times it looks like . and it's a fake review ,,
I have sent in 2 reports and at one time I was thinking it got removed but it's still up
His handle is or was Slinkyy ( BANNED) and has had many others and been known to be a rob girls


what more do I need to do to get it removed
I rally don't want my name out there with his ..
I had never met this person t all
He's from Austin TX ,, and there are many post about him being a rob
any help be so kind
Thanks Gina
CryptKicker's Avatar
As you were advised at the time of the review you may tell your side of the story in COED. We will let the members judge which is true and which is false. Just because a gent is banned does not mean it was for questionable reviews.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
well I'v never seen him at all ......
so why do I really care the about the review it's s not bad or anything ?
just I KNOW I NEVER MET HIM ... that's about it
what more can i really say about it ....I was not aware of it till I was asked for a references on him with his Number and told the person hand no ideal who he was ,, she said he did a review on me that's when I checked it out and did a little digging around on ECCIE on him
and found all his other handles and he has rob girls many times .
other then this all I know so if it stays up so be it ..