Glad to finally be back on the board...Seem some drama happened about

Victoriajolie's Avatar
Hello pardon my french

As i couldn't defend myself as my account was pending(i live in Canada & visit every now and then but it has been few years)hence they had new rules since.
Seem that Thud736! start some quite dramatic non review on me.
Which has a different handle on OH2 but i guess he decided to write here seeing my account was pending.
After 24 emails,one pm on the other board,text(less than 24hrs)....Especially getting upset to get an auto-reply ..I tried to see the positive at first (the third emails getting upset to not have a reply).He was relucant to provide me the required info(no wonder why now).

During the screening i got feedback that this person {staff edit- CK}.(no idea if it is true it was said to me).An other red flag.Which would explain this agresive attitude.Then ask for Dom i didn't believe it 3rd red flags as he acted like a wolf in sheep clothes.

I decided at that point i wasn't comfortable to see him and suggest he contacted other ladies.
Threatening me with the non review but i guess he didnt dare on OH2.Saying he never heard of me that he would tell the truth about me been BSC & wasting his time(yup my english writing suck been my second language but buddy is waste...Not waist).

The behavior he displayed afterward show me that i did a good choice.
As for JesseJames well calling me yo and ho doesn't get a rendez vous
See that as the OP & second one decided to comment here instead OH2 where they reached out to me,it's pretty coward.

I have been touring Houston for many years...This is the first tour i get 2 guys threatened me for declining seeing them..First that he called the police saying i spread coivd-19 and i'm a terrorist and this one.

Seem the pandemic have them crawling out of their rocks while many good guys ( i have met great guys still) aren't able to get away.

So that is my version of what happened
C'est ma version de cette histoire de fous

Bisous Victoria
TryWeakly's Avatar
dafuq ?

Sounds like CutePapi M.O...

Some might say that sounds vaguely familiar to a recently revived thread (which was conveniently locked, ahem)

Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons that the ladies have disappeared from here.....too much fuckery.

With all YES reviews, I lean towards your side of that fence.

Would be good to hear from other ladies with similar experience(s) with those handles....

Unless y'all speak up, the fuckery continues.
boardman's Avatar
One of many reasons but...yep!
Dumb Ho doesn't think shes a Ho ? This is a Canadian who should prolly stay in her own Country
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Dumb Ho doesn't think shes a Ho ? This is a Canadian who should prolly stay in her own Country Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES

Russ38's Avatar
This could be interesting.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
Someone once said "hurt dog howls" ....

good call on the FFR, DJ.
TryWeakly's Avatar
So JJ, whats your take on what happened ?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
If Sharkman29 vouches for her, that's good enough for me.
sharkman29's Avatar
I've been seeing her for years. I even saw her in Canada once(skiing trip with BCD benefits). She has had a terrible time since she's been here this trip. I have no idea why either. She's a lovely woman with a stellar history and is fantastic BCD. So yes, I definitely vouch for her. She wants no problems with anyone. She just wants to do her business and get along.
TryWeakly's Avatar
That is good news. In case there was any question, I was not implying anything negative about her at all.

But the two fucktards who were should be nicer.
If Sharkie vouches for her that's all I need to know.
Most of us know how JJ is.
This is a no brainer.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
If Sharkie vouches for her that's all I need to know.
Most of us know how JJ is.
This is a no brainer. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Please do tell i haven't been around for some time JJ sophistication on his language as well spelling as trying to get a rendez vous with no info just a YO girl sounded so so appealing.

Sharkman is a friend from quite some time because some assholes he had to pick up the pieces lifting me up and earing me be upset(french people tend to have their emotions on their sleeves).Sorry Darling!

There a say that everything is big in Texas..I wish those two would have grown big balls to post on the other board where i had access..
Both Thurds and cowards because i declined them...
Woman defineatly has white knights ,,,Her mis-directed energies are too childless to warrant any further mention by me
That's funny