Just an Observation

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  • gt27
  • 07-03-2017, 12:17 PM
What amazes me the most on this board is the high level of cruelty that some display towards the very reason they are here. It is a very simple equation in that men are here to meet women and we are both here for sex and women are here for money. Sure, there is a side component on other issues, such as small talk and musing, but the main reason is the opposite sex as we both fulfill the others need. Nevertheless, the main thing that attracts men to this forum is the main thing that some members try to do the most harm to. I cannot put into words how stunned I am at some of the things I hear in ML, how disgustingly unpleasant these people are to the providers on this site. There may well be times for such a hardened attitude; threats to the community such as STD’s, robberies, assaults, theft and cash and dashes would certainly qualify as a reason for one to behave in a harsh manner.

Nevertheless, it seems that a large amount of the cruel behavior stems from insignificant nuisances that irritate a minority of our members to lash out in loathing and defamation. While there are some 400,000 users on this site it seems that the few hate filled individuals on here garner the most attention. It is a sad reality that an ounce of hate weighs more than an ounce of cohabitation and tolerance. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be any rules, as we do need rules to keep things reasonable, but this level of irrationality cannot characterize reasonableness regardless of the subject matter of this board. I hate to state it this tersely, but this boards main problem is male driven drama. I’ve been guilty of it also, and I apologize for this, but I have never tried to ruin a persons living on this board. Call me a white knight, a mandle(BTW, still offering hairy leg fetishes) or whatever, but I opine that my perspective is one of clarity.

My only question is why? Has anyone ever asked some of these jaded individuals why they post like this?
Miss Valentina's Avatar
We had never addressed each other on the boards or via any other form of communication and yet you came at me for exactly zero reason like a jealous bitch hiding behind a mandle when your first started posting in Austin "dude".

So where was all that "cohabitation and tolerance" then?

Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

You lil confused goblin you.

Attachment 665792
I don't reckon that went as planned.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I don't reckon that went as planned. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Nooooppppe!!! lol
nuglet's Avatar
You sic em girl!!!!!
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  • gt27
  • 07-03-2017, 04:02 PM
Allright then, and I apoglogize. I even said in my post that I was guilty of this as well and for that I was, and still am, sorry that I made that comment. I'm a human, I have flaws. I'm not a jealous bitch hiding behind a mandle and looking back at that thread I did misread your post. Nonetheless, I don't think I tried to ruin your career... I didn't stalk your posts, didn't accuse you of having unsafe practices with your clients and didn't, as a mod, ignore someone posting your presumably private social media handle on this board. I didn't go through social media just to bring up private Instagram messages to defame you. I didn't act like an asshole and defend rape by using the "hookers can't be raped" idiocy.

Was I wrong? Yes. Am I jealous of you or intimidated by you? No.

As to the comment of this thread not going to plan, I think it is going exactly as I thought it would:I brought up a relevant topic, admitted I was guilty of this as well, apologized for it and we have the exact thing I was talking about in the first reply.

Please note, for full disclosure, this is this first time I apologized to Miss V regarding this incident.

Nonetheless, this is somewhat relevant to the issue I brought up.
I say moderate KC and stay out of austin coed if you don't like it.

If you visit a few times a year the only thing you should look at is the ads. If it is that unpleasant to read the boards, then don't read them. Problem solved.

Btw, one of your KC hookers posted a threAD pimping her adopted daughter. You should go home and set her straight.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I'm not looking for an apology so your flourish and show about it here is only for your benefit, not mine. Especially when it is less an apology and more a marvel of excuse making. Seems to me any man (cough) who ostentatiously self-identifies as one who "opines that his perspective is one of clarity" (rolls eyes) should know better from the get-go.

I suppose by your incredibly pedantic reasoning, you somehow seem to think as long as you're not out to "ruin a person's living" or "ruin my career" or say that "hookers can't be raped" you're somehow less culpable for the over all tone of the board. Hint: You're not. You've been sowing your seeds in bullshit since you began posting in Austin. You're not above this gt27, you ARE this.

"Nevertheless, it seems that a large amount of the cruel behavior stems from insignificant nuisances that irritate a minority of our members to lash out in loathing and defamation."-gt27. Your. Words. And yet you have the nerve to come here and berate a community into which you have uncharmingly NOT ingratiated, and condemn us as if your EXACT WORDS somehow don't apply to you.

Oh the Humanity! Oh the Hypocrisy! Dick move man.
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  • gt27
  • 07-03-2017, 08:58 PM
I'm not looking for an apology so your flourish and show about it here is only for your benefit, not mine. Especially when it is less an apology and more a marvel of excuse making. Seems to me any man (cough) who ostentatiously self-identifies as one who "opines that his perspective is one of clarity" (rolls eyes) should know better from the get-go.

I suppose by your incredibly pedantic reasoning, you somehow seem to think as long as you're not out to "ruin a person's living" or "ruin my career" or say that "hookers can't be raped" you're somehow less culpable for the over all tone of the board. Hint: You're not. You've been sowing your seeds in bullshit since you began posting in Austin. You're not above this gt27, you ARE this.

"Nevertheless, it seems that a large amount of the cruel behavior stems from insignificant nuisances that irritate a minority of our members to lash out in loathing and defamation."-gt27. Your. Words. And yet you have the nerve to come here and berate a community into which you have uncharmingly NOT ingratiated, and condemn us as if your EXACT WORDS somehow don't apply to you.

Oh the Humanity! Oh the Hypocrisy! Dick move man. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Back to your irregularly scheduled thread of debauchery.

I have to laugh. You truly are a one trick pony. Do you find comfort in hiding behind esoteric remarks? Cave ab homine unius libri . You are well read Miss V, but even your penchant for prose cannot lead you to a reasonable conclusion. Yes, I crossed you like a “bitch behind a mandle” but it is you Miss V who is coming across as the objective bitch on this post. Remember, this is your platform for making money, not mine. Cut off your nose to spite your face all you want as I, nor anyone else, can stop you.

I disrespected you once? Maybe twice? Whatever. I never came across and disrespected you like SL or Whispers or Rockerrick. . . . did to other ladies and tried to hurt their business. Maybe I nor anyone else did this because you seem to be doing a damn fine job of it here. What is the gist of your argument? That I’m a gal? That I’m a hypocrite? That I have some weird agenda of spreading hate on the Austin community?

Yes, you never asked for an apology. Thus I rescind my apology to you.

You seem to think I came on this board just to start shit and garner attention. I initially found this site and thought it was terrific. The site had KC, a town I live in, and Austin, a town I frequent for legal work. Yes, I do visit Austin 3-4 times a year. I looked around for a girl in Austin and, what do I find? I find this. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1971611&page=9 And guess who the first person I ripped into? Firephoenix, whom I am supposedly her mandle. And then Whispers. Those two were both ignorant as hell about the definition of rape and their asses were ripping into a lady who was posting an alert on a guy who barebacked her without consent. Then, not too much later, I find this: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...622&highlight=

All within the month that I was about to come down to Austin
I guess I really did sew some “seeds of bullshit” didn’t I. Please point to where I started, from the beginning, the colossal calamity that this board has become.

Then those fucks followed me, even up to KC, to start disrespecting any KC girl they could.

Anyways, this bullshit has been going on before me. Maybe I am the one who is persistent about bringing attention to the issue?

So, I guess what I was trying to say is this: I had a list of clowns I thought were going to throw this thread off topic, but I didn’t think you would be one of them. I guess judging a book by it’s cover is truly a fool’s lament.

Miss V, I don’t need a thesaurus to get my point across. You are picking the wrong fight Madame.
Let me get this right...

You call out the assholes for being assholes.

V calls you out on being an asshole.

You apologize, barely.

She declined your apology.

You double down on being an asshole.

Did I get it right?

Just want to add that we appreciate you being a good example for us.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 07-03-2017, 10:57 PM
Yes, with a twist.

I am an asshole, self admittedly.

I called out the assholes for being assholes.

I apologized for being an asshole and said that I was guilty (you are too).

V comes in, confirming that I am an asshole and doubling down as she is a bitch.

I withdrawal my apologies as she confirmed that she is the bitch I thought she was and I am the asshole that I can be.

I reconfirm to everyone that I can be an asshole, but I stopped short of being the asshole that calls her out about looks, weight, age, fees, posts, ads. That sort of thing.

You join in and announce yourself as one of the assholes that I do think is the scum of Austin. :groupware:

Thanks Kicks, one down 5 to go.
Why are you here? Log out of g27, login to your provider handle, post a threAD in KC. I hear they love them there.

You mad bro?
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  • gt27
  • 07-04-2017, 12:14 AM
You are on the level of SL and Whispers in so far as you have no relevant communication towards this board. I beg you to pick up some rope and learn to tie it into a noose, then experiment on yourself until you reach my desired results.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Persun-ah-lee, Ah prefers ta use mah old silk neckties instaid uv rope fer otto-ee-rotic ass-fixy-ay-shun. Thar's a lot less chafin' involvedt. Ah'd tellya ta axsk Michael Hutchence 'r David Carridine fer corn-fur-may-shun, but thangs din't go too well fer them. Some folks git sloppy an' then accidents happ'n.