The PISSANT just hit a NEW mile stone...NEW RECORD LOWS IN THE POLLS!!

I want the leftwingers on here to continue their sycophantic cheerleading and SUCK THIS UP and spin, a force 10 tornado In the article below (NOT A CONSERVATIVE NETWORK) has your answers!!


That a majority of independents now disapprove of his performance is bad news for Biden and Democrats. They're a key swing group, one Biden won in 2020 but who now think he's off track.

Republicans have struggled to drum up the kind of animus toward Biden as they did for, say, Hillary Clinton. But now, seven months into his presidency, they seem to have found what to grind their teeth about, from cultural and economic issues to Afghanistan.

Hey, Liberal Media: Biden Just Hit RECORD LOWS in New Polls

Joe Biden hit record lows in two new polls on Thursday. Will the journalists at ABC, CBS and NBC bother to cover, or even notice, the cratering polling for the Democrat? They certainly enjoyed covering bad news for Donald Trump. In the new NPR/PBS survey, Biden’s approval has slipped to just 43 percent, a new low. In the new Rasmussen poll, the President has fallen to 42 percent, a tie for his record low.

On Newsmax, Thursday, reporter Emerald Robinson reported the bad news the liberal media is ignoring:

The fallout from the Afghanistan withdrawal continues for this White House as the President's poll numbers continue to sink. According to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour Marist poll, the President's approval ratings sliding to just 43 in the latest poll. Now, that's down six percent points since July. The biggest decline has been in amongst independent voters only 36 percent saying they approve of the job the president is doing.

Why might network network journalists not want to look at these terrible polls for Biden?'s write up of the bad numbers might have the answer. Writer Domenico Montanaro explained:

That a majority of independents now disapprove of his performance is bad news for Biden and Democrats. They're a key swing group, one Biden won in 2020 but who now think he's off track.

Republicans have struggled to drum up the kind of animus toward Biden as they did for, say, Hillary Clinton. But now, seven months into his presidency, they seem to have found what to grind their teeth about, from cultural and economic issues to Afghanistan.

A whopping 41% of U.S. adults, including 82% of Republicans, now strongly disapprove of the job Biden is doing. That is similar to the unprecedented enmity shown toward President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen now has Biden at 42 percent, a tie for his lowest numbers in their survey.

The Biden White House is cratering in the polls. The Real Clear Politics average showed the approve/disapprove numbers intersect in late August as the Afghanistan disaster worsened. Take a look at those black and red lines:

On August 23, the MRC's Kyle Drennen wrote about NBC burying bad polling for Biden. Journalists, who covered bad polls for Trump with glee, have a responsibility to report on the collapse of the Biden administration.
Trump is the only one that cares about polls. Polls aren't accurate anyway.
Trump is the only one that cares about polls. Polls aren't accurate anyway. Originally Posted by royamcr
What do you think about what NPR said...not a conservative bunch.
Yeah I guess that just slipped your "mind"
Pick up the pom poms and get back to your cheering chants for the PISSANT...
Not cheering. Our excellent president is doing an amazing job. 1000x better than trump.
Not cheering. Our excellent president is doing an amazing job. 1000x better than trump. Originally Posted by royamcr
You're in the minority...soon to get MUCH larger.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
roy is trolling
You all think they pull the ripcord now and get Harris in the POTUS slot, so she can try to build some cred before the 2022 mid-terms, or do they try to see if Biden can "right the ship" first?
LexusLover's Avatar
The beat goes on ....

.... "global warming" is causing all the flooding in Yankee Land.

Fuck the Fake Pandemic ... there's a real natural disaster now!

No point in mourning the loss of U.S. lives in a foreign country. Pass those BILLS!
bambino's Avatar
Nowhere else to go but down. They’re going to prop him up as long as they can. If Harris steps in they lose the tiebreaker in the Senate.
Good thing it is 2021, and not 2022. Plenty of time to shore things up. Dems have an uphill battle though as midterms usually shift things to the other side, at least they have for the last 30 years...
Nowhere else to go but down. They’re going to prop him up as long as they can. If Harris steps in they lose the tiebreaker in the Senate. Originally Posted by bambino
The new president appoints someone to fill his or her old position, subject to congressional approval. So not really.
The new president appoints someone to fill his or her old position, subject to congressional approval. So not really. Originally Posted by royamcr
Don’t bother with a civics lesson. These people have never actually read a constitution and definitely didn’t pass high school civics.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Climate change= SCAM ,,Pandemic = SCAM ,, CRT =SCAM , Puddens an chief =SCAM ,,HMM