The GOP had better get ready for the general.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well the conservative republicans anyway. The establishment GOP may take their ball and go home when it comes to the general election. Of course, GOPers like to vote and it is hard to stop them from voting. However, some may write in someone rather than vote for Trump. I think the same can be said for the democrats. So...with this in mind the GOP had better find some more Hillarys out there to run in local elections this November. That way if a disenfranchised GOP or reluctant democrat wants to write in Hillary then you have a court fight about which Hillary is to get that vote. Face it, the dems are a pretty dumb bunch when you get them together. I'm sure that many would stumble if forced to remember Hillary's last name so they're just put in Hillary and leave it at that. What if there were two Hillary's running in that area?