Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 01-20-2024, 03:21 PM
Whose ready for this game today??? I'm ready to root our team on for the WIN!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
ECG is a Buffalo fan.
We have both bought jerseys for the dog.
Last two years the dog sits between us as a chaperone.
One of her friends has an idea of cutting the jerseys up, then sewing them back together so that the half that's Buffalo is on her side, and the half that's KC is on my side.

However, earlier today, one of her friends showed up with a Baltimore Ravens jersey for the dog. I told ECG to take care of the problem. After discussion about the friend walking back to the airport, she (the friend) caved and said if Baltimore lost, we could burn that.
Nice pic hon, although I'm pretty sure the game is tomorrow night....