SCOTUS Nominee.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-21-2022, 06:35 PM
Well, the spectacle started today but it was only opening statements.

Tomorrow the real fun starts.

My first thought is, how long till the race card gets played?

And, second thought is, what if the R's treated her like the left treated R nominees?

For the race card, I don't think it will go past the first mornings questions before it gets played, perhaps as early as the first D response to the first R questions.

And if we treated her half as badly the cities would be burning.

Identity politics at its best coming up fo' sure.
berryberry's Avatar
Dumb as Fuck Hirono already played the race card today - saying Jackson's nomination isn't about filling some quota

Meanwhile Senile Biden literally said this is exactly why she was nominated
berryberry's Avatar
Senator Blackburn calls out Ketanji Brown Jackson on CRT:

"You have praised the 1619 Project ... and you have made clear that you believe judges must consider critical race theory when deciding how to sentence criminal defendants."

Other Senators call her out for her positions on a subject forbidden here
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Jackson says she gave perverts who prey on "prohibited subject" lighter sentences because its different when they use computers vs mail to get volumes of "prohibited subject" porn
bambino's Avatar
Most things concerning Biden you can’t post on ECCIE, including his SCOTUS pick. Pathetic
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  • Devo
  • 03-22-2022, 06:21 PM
I don't care if she's black, but just like Mike Tomlin, you pick the best person, not the best person of a certain color.

Frankly, their should be a case filed for discrimination, as no other sex or race was picked to even be interviewed, and that's illegal, and completly remarkable in the world we live in.

6 and half foot dudes kicking tiny female swimmers asses, and discrimination in SCOTUS picks, the world is fucked.
berryberry's Avatar
How can you interpret our laws, history and Constitution for the whole country if you are unable to define “woman”?

SEN. BLACKBURN: "Can you provide a definition of the word 'woman'?"

JACKSON: "No, I can't"

BLACKBURN: "You can't?"

JACKSON: "I'm not a biologist"
berryberry's Avatar
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson claims Critical Race Theory “doesn’t come up in the work that I do as a judge.”

Senator Cruz then reads a quote from her saying that Critical Race Theory is part of her work as judge in sentencing offenders.
berryberry's Avatar
Ketanji Brown Jackson told Ted Cruz she has "never studied critical race theory," but she has cited the founder of critical race theory, Derrick Bell, and endorsed its core concepts, including white privilege and intersectionality, in her speeches.

She is lying

berryberry's Avatar
The media tells us Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court is historic because she is a black woman. Jackson must be confused by this given that she can’t even define what a woman is.
berryberry's Avatar
KBJ: "With one click, you can distribute tens of thousands [of prohibited subject]. You can be doing this for 15 minutes and all of a sudden, you are looking at 30, 40, 50 years in prison."

She says this like its a bad thing that these perverts would get this much prison time for this

This is libtards for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
berryberry's Avatar
Imagine if Brett Kavanaugh could have been "credibly accused" of a history of lenient rulings on "prohibited subject" during his confirmation.

The Libtards on the Senate Judiciary Committee would have burned him at the stake
berryberry's Avatar
Jackson gave an industrial-level "prohibited subject" trafficker a light sentence

Ted Cruz asked her why she did that. She just glared at him and refused to answer. Then Durbin cut off the questioning.

This is your government.
bambino's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
The undercurrent in these hearings -- which is now an overt current -- is the obfuscation. The White House withholding 48,000 records; Durbin now refusing to allow KBJ to answer GOP questions and denying basic senatorial courtesies related to the record.