Like rats on a shinking ship

berryberry's Avatar
Amidst collapsing approval rating, policy disasters, criminal investigation of President's son, Peppermint Patty Paski abandons Senile Biden

Psaki goes to the one place, MSNBC, with lower ratings than the White House

I wonder if the show will be called "The Circle Back Circle Jerk"
berryberry's Avatar
The same reporter who reported a few days ago

Hearing Jen Psaki is looking to make the jump to the MSM, wants out of the cleanup crew job


Psaki isn't the only one planning to jump off the sinking ship
berryberry's Avatar
In essence Psaki is leaving the WH press secretary post simply to go to work for a different arm of the White House and DNC team at MSNBC
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Cackling Kamala’s deputy chief of staff Michael Fuchs is quitting

VP has now lost her Senior Adviser, Communications Director, Deputy Chief Of Staff, Director of Press Operations, Deputy Director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental affairs
... Failures of TITANIC proportions!

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-04-2022, 06:17 PM
There was an episode of OG Star Trek, where, the Nazis come to power on an alien world, after a human scientist set it up.

His character makes speeches of recorded words, that add up to nothing being really said but meaningless words.

That's pretty much her.

She talks, but nothing makes sense, I mean, literally worse than Poopy Pants Joe, and he's fucking senile.

I think she is just plain stupid, and got where she is, by the color of her skin, much like the NFL.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I never liked her. Her attitude of Believe-What-I-Say-And-Don't-Question-It just rubs me the wrong way.
She seems like kind of a condescending bitch.
berryberry's Avatar
It’s a Mass exodus: Kamala’s deputy chief of staff, Michael Fuchs is quitting

VP has also lost:
-Senior Adviser
-Communications Director
-Deputy Chief Of Staff
-Director of Press Operations
-Deputy Director of the Office of Public Engagement and
-Intergovernmental affairs

berryberry's Avatar
This is what happens when you have ZERO accomplishments to run on

The DCCC is now raising money off Jen Psaki going to MSNBC

berryberry's Avatar
LOL - Even the NBC libtards realize how bad this looks for them

NBC News journalists are troubled by and have expressed dismay to network executives about MSNBC's intention to hire White House press secretary Jen Psaki when she exits the Biden administration