Pennsylvania Avenue Party

... G'day You-inzers,

... Saw clips of the social event at the White House
while watching Tucker's show this evening.

And it was almost sad to watch everyone just
IGNORE President Biden - while fawning all-over former
President OBama... VP Harris was on OBama's arm so much
that I thought the bloke had left Michelle.

OBama and VP Kamala were the important ones - and Biden
surely looked sad as nobody wanted to talk with him.

... The writing's on the wall. ... Biden will be out
and Kamala the new President soon.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah Salty - I am not sure which clip is worse for Senile Biden.

This one

or this one

Normally when you see people scatter from Senile Biden, it's because he shit his pants again. But here literally no one (and these are all Libtards in attendance) respects him or wants to talk with him. They all know Senile Biden is a fucking joke
The Tucker clips were sad - as Biden was trying to get Obama's
attention as Barrack worked the crowd - and OBama just ignored him
- as-if he didn't matter.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
The Tucker clips were sad - as Biden was trying to get Obama's
attention as Barrack worked the crowd - and OBama just ignored him
- as-if he didn't matter.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Joey Bribes doesn’t matter. Never did. He’ll be gone soon.

Here he is his kneeling on the submarine last week

Commander in Chief? I think not

Looks like surrender to me.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-06-2022, 01:16 PM
You know, a part of me really has felt bad for him, and the vanity of his wife, helping sell him out for a job he was clearly never capable of doing.

That look in his eyes told it all, he's not there, he doesn't matter, not really to anyone there.

Can you imagine how weak the rest of world must think we are?

Ronald Reagan looked better after being shot and almost killed, and they complained about his senility?


Sad to see what you will do to steal a victory and for what?

To embarass an old man?

Thanks for sharing those videos. Wow. And Bam the kneeling one made me chuckle. The old dude just needed to take a load off I guess. What a great photo.
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah no one respects Senile Biden. He's a puppet. His wife should be arrested for elder abuse of a dementia patient.

Watch this brutal take by Tucker