PussySnob's Avatar
Ladies and worms

So heart breaking but Gina has retired. God bless her.

But she has SOLD P-411

We wish her ALL THE BEST !!!

Thnxxx Gina !!!

God Bless
DallasRain's Avatar

Gina rocks!
LuciaConte's Avatar
Happy Retirement, Gina!
chipper's Avatar
Gina, You are the best and deserve to have a great retirement. I will always remember you and your team fondly! Best wishes for your future.

heartbreaking? no, heartbreaking was when amy winehouse died at 27.

what's the equivalent of a golden watch for hookers? we should all pitch in and give her that.
All the best to Gina - a smart, savvy woman who built a great platform over the years.

Few things are certain in this crazy life, but I'd bet the house that she ensured P411 is in solid hands and ready for the long haul.

Happy trails, Gina!
Personally, I feel 100% comfortable with the change. You all know darn well, Gina would not pass on P411 to anyone she did not have full confidence in. I'm so happy for her...she deserves the best and I can say, p411 was 90% responsible for my success and for meeting the best people.

Thank you, Gina!

I seriously would chip in for something for her - but I bet what she'd like best is that we all support the changeover!
PussySnob's Avatar
Hey my post is gone
Good luck gina! Cant wait to see the new changes coming to the site or a new perspective.
I’m glad I’m apart of the p411 Family! Excited for the new changes
Chung Tran's Avatar
Str8Kandi's Avatar
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Good to know p411 is not going anywhere, Best of luck to ya Gina!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Take care Gina , enjoy ( we will miss you )
I'm happy for Gina! Congrats and enjoy your retirement! Hopefully the new owners will open back up options for paying for subscriptions.