** This Storm is Gonna BLOW... **

Just a shout out to all the Va folks here..Irene is on the way and it looks like she's gonna cum in REAL HARD!!

This is my very first hurricane, I'm kinda panicky, but, not too much I can do about it 'cept prepare!!

Hope everyone fares okay thru this whole mess. They're evacuating a few areas around me, but I have decided to stick it out..

Be safe everyone!

herfacechair's Avatar
Do you think that Hurricane Irene is going to suck?

Your area shouldn't get a beating like my area... but you'll take a beating just the same. Saw the clouds before sundown, moving rapidly across the sky counter to the path they normally move in.

Hurricane Irene's outer edge is already kicking the breeze up.

It should go by relatively quick... compared to a typhoon. It'll be fun, make sure you've done your preparations.
