Happy Hand Massage

I am wondering if anyone has had this situation. I was on Tinder and the profile was a 30's woman who said she was a massage therapist, and she listed her IG account. It's still very active. The pictures are all of the same woman, both in and out of work. Shows her in pics and video providing different types of massages.

I contacted her via DM and the link comes up for happyhandmassage.com It says secure site. It looks professional(though I know scammers can be very detailed nowadays). You have to reserve/book an appointment through the site. It supposedly has a $3 reservation fee and then the cost of the massage-in my case $50 for a nuru massage.

I tried one time on my card and I got a fraud alert and the transaction was declined. I purchased a gift card that I loaded with only $60 to cover the cost and tried and it wouldn't complete the transaction.

Does anyone have experience with this specific or similar situation? I am hoping against hope this is legit and not a scam, but I am not optomistic.

Thanks in advance.
Scam. They also will post a profile on AM and then direct you to their IG. Once there they send you to a website that asks for $3.
Presj22's Avatar
I’ve come across these scams all over. No legit place will request a reservation fee or what your CC number (for holding purposes). And AMPs won’t want payment via CC lol
Thanks! What is AM, btw?
Ashley Madison