swimming pools closed all year ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Supposedly that may happen. Public pools....also private HOA pools.
What evidence is there the virus travels through water ?
Italia DiBella's Avatar
BS government control
There's no "feedback mechanism." Try calling the county judge's or mayor's office. You'll just get an voice mail. Very little media push back. Complaining = killing grandma.
Pool Clorine is worthless...��
My apartment drained our pool for renovations, but I think they just don't want people to use it.
Russ38's Avatar
Couldn’t be any worse than the different strains of staph and flesh eating shit that’s floating around in Galveston Beach.....
Too many Baby Ruth's in the pools
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Good one tb.....love that movie.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
yep. +1

To the OP, wouldn't a properly maintained chemical (chlorine) balance be sufficient ?

Slcman's Avatar
I don't think it is the virus and water..... It is the gathering of the large crowd at the pools that they are concerned about. I would be too. In about two to three weeks, there will likely be another surge in cases.......
TryWeakly's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
But closing private pools by HOA associations ?
A bridge too far.
Just remember her come election day
TryWeakly's Avatar

So she wrote a law to "re-iterate" Abbott's list of things not to open?
boardman's Avatar
Complaining = killing grandma. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Legislating or forcing personal responsibility is as effective as legislating morality. It doesn't work.

This killing grandma shit is a way of guilting people into being responsible. Those that are going to do it would do it because they believe it is the right thing for them. Those that don't believe it aren't going to do it and they aren't going to take the blame. Saying we are killing grandma only dramatizes shit.

This will blow over one way or the other. People are recovering. In fact the number of recovered is out pacing the number of new cases. That's a significant breakthrough in my opinion.
When it does become less of a threat, by whoever decides that, I guarantee you that these mother fuckers will take credit for it not being a bigger deal than it was because they forced all these restrictions on us. You can't prove them wrong. That gives them more latitude for the next time.