For all you bbq dipshits

broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-07-2014, 12:16 AM
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I have used the search for the post he supposedly made on here but can't find it.

And they put it in there what looks like word for word. It shouldn't be hard to find.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-07-2014, 01:05 AM
You know they delete any references to medical conditions. Even if it might save a life.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You know they delete any references to medical conditions. Even if it might save a life. Originally Posted by broes
I have seen mods delete if someone else is saying it about another person, but I've seen them say it's ok if a person talks about their own problem.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
And they usually just red the one part out. Not delete the whole post. Some of the post should still be there.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-07-2014, 01:22 AM
One bad apple can wreck the bunch. And one crabapple makes the whole bunch itch like a motherfucker.
In the years after they broke up, Jordan did everything she could to prove what she suspected — that Warren had knowingly infected her. Then, in March 2012, she discovered a post he'd apparently written on ECCIE, a message board for escorts and clients.

"Ever wonder what drives a man to sing in a band called '100 Proof Hatred'? Well, I love sex, drugs and rock and roll," he began. "Unfortunately, when you mix the three as much as I have, you're bound to come up with something. Fuck, I don't know if it was the needles from all the ink, or the stripper groupies that dig the bandanna, but I've got it — HIV, AIDS, the HIVVY, whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

"I've banged a lot of fucking strippers in clubs in the Fort Worth area. A fuckload. I party every fuckin' night now. Lately, I been hanging out and playin' pool at Fantasy Ranch in Euless.

"I'm sick, real sick, but fuck all those pills every day. So I hide my head with the blue rag and the hat. I grow my beard as long as I can and I've covered most of my body with ink. In the dark, you can't tell that the AIDS is coming on. You hear me cough and choke, but you just think I'm hungover from partyin'.

"Yeah, I take the dancers to VIP, and they climb right the fuck on. They have no idea what I'm packin'. Fuck it, man, this is rock 'n' roll, and I don't give a damn. I laugh at those straight-laced guys at Fantasy Ranch taking the same girls to VIP right after me. Rich college fucks you're gonna get it too, and I don't feel fuckin' sorry for you.

"As for the bitches? I already gave it to one of 'em. I see a pic of her on here all the time. She fuckin' hates me, but I got mine and you get yours.

I was just saying it on another thread the other day. After a lot of postulation on the subject over the years, I was fairly convinced that a person probably would not take themselves out of the game if they got something.
when I first read it, I kept looking at the girls pic for some glint of recognition, but I can honestly say I never fucked her at Texas Showgirls or anywhere else.

When I got to the part about Fantasy ranch and his intentional attempts to infect people there, my jaw dropped. I know a lot of guys here go there and it was no secret that BBFS was happening.

I am sure a few guys from Eccie will be shitting bricks.

Please go get tested for everything.

Maybe.. Just Maybe... Some people here will be a better person that Donovan and not intentionally try to infect someone else. Somehow, I doubt most would.
You know they delete any references to medical conditions. Even if it might save a life. Originally Posted by broes

I can understand the emotions and the thinking. If we did not have dip shits here who would sabotage reputations and livelihoods with false accusations, it might be allowed. But "truth" here is mixed in with a lot of BS.

I am certain that the mods will allow this thread and the links to a reputable news outlet stand as it serves the greater good and does not out any living souls here. But I bet the girls start looking to see if their potential clients went to Fantasy Ranch and wrote reviews.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-07-2014, 02:48 AM
That's why I am a big advocate of jerking off. The only dirty thing that my hand might give my dick is grease and sodium from popeyes chicken and biscuits.
That's why I am a big advocate of jerking off. The only dirty thing that my hand might give my dick is grease and sodium from popeyes chicken and biscuits. Originally Posted by broes

The biscuit is self-explanatory, but how do you have intercourse with fried chicken parts?

I guess it is not bestiality if it has already been cut into parts and fried.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-07-2014, 03:10 AM
The biscuit is self-explanatory, but how do you have intercourse with fried chicken parts?

I guess it is not bestiality if it has already been cut into parts and fried. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
Sometimes that shit just hits the spot so much that I gotta go rub one out. I don't always wash my hands after eating. I dare you to find any man that can whack it with a full belly of fried chicken and biscuits and not hibernate like Ben in the off season of Grizzly Adams.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The Observer article states:

"When his results came back, he didn't just have HIV. He suffered from chlamydia, herpes, syphilis — and AIDS. It took approximately 8 to 10 years for HIV to become AIDS, the doctor said, meaning Warren had contracted the virus sometime between 2001 and 2003."

As has been repeated so often on ASPD for the longest time and again here on ECCIE, you should simply assume that anyone you have sex with has AN STD and protect yourself. YOU are ultimately responsible for your own safety and health and even though he lied to the women, he did so AFTER they had already caught it while they both were deep into that lifestyle that seems to encourage that behavior while this "hobby" this site discusses is the opposite in that here on ECCIE, people discourage the behaviors that can lead to catching a terminal disease.

If you read the article, he lied over and over again to those he appeared to care about and kept up the lies until slapped in the face with the truth. Who knows the total number of strippers or groupies out there who are walking around right now with HIV and have not been tested?

Sad how the article talks about how many blame the 2 women for coming out and accusing him of his deliberate actions that infected so many.

A final comment. I don't think that he ever made a post on this site (ECCIE) but that someone else made a post on another site with a somewhat similar name where that sort of shit was encouraged.
Aren't all online HIV admonitions blamed on a jilted ex or "someone else"? The logic there being, 'why would someone out themselves like that?' Uh probably for the same reason they would knowingly infect others after learning they are HIV positive: catharsis.

It's extremely likely that the only people openly looking for or offering bbfs are the people who have nothing to worry about catching. Even worse, many times they know they are HIV+ and are trying to infect as many people as possible as a form of revenge for being given a "death sentence". Don't think so?? Go ask any county health worker how many patients actually react responsibly and follow up with care after testing positive for HIV. Only a small fraction of those that test positive. It isn't until some years later (when their quality of life starts to be affected) that they come back seeking treatment.

Sounds like all of this guy's self-delusions and denials finally caught up with him and he couldn't handle it. If he had acted responsibly when being diagnosed, got on meds, practiced safe sex and spared others from his wrath then none of this would have happened. Instead he was selfish and self-absorbed up to the very end. Perhaps he suffered from mental illness. Its difficult to feel sympathy for someone who wrecked so many lives though.

I agree with those who commented on the article that the "justice for donovan" bunch would be better served to focus on "justice for his daughter" since he knowingly infected her with HIV and now she has a feeding tube and a lifetime of meds to take. It should come as no surprise how he ended up being so selfish and diabolical if those who "loved" him can't even see the forest thru the trees at this point.

Very disturbing story. My heart goes out to those of you who are reading this and counting your blessings. I hope all your tests come back negative. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
So I'm curious where is that post he made on eccie? Is his handle still active?