Kamala “Knee Pads” Harris is Fukin’ BORING.

I watched that last night. Does this woman have a pulse?

I can see why she polled lower than whale shit during the primaries.

When you hear the words .....”Joe Biden and Kamala Harris”......admit it, you just want to laugh.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...When you hear the words .....”Joe Biden and Kamala Harris”......admit it, you just want to laugh. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Actually, makes me want to puke and weep for our great country.
You guys just continue sniffing your lead n shit smoke. If you can afford lead these days lol. You know Biden is going to take your guns away like Obama did smh.
bambino's Avatar
You guys just continue sniffing your lead n shit smoke. If you can afford lead these days lol. You know Biden is going to take your guns away like Obama did smh. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Obama didn’t take our guns away. Just the military’s.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You ain't made it to the Great Awakening, you dang sure ain't gonna make it through the Great Reckoning either.

You guys just continue sniffing your lead n shit smoke. If you can afford lead these days lol. You know Biden is going to take your guns away like Obama did smh. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Obama didn’t take our guns away. Just the military’s. Originally Posted by bambino
good point Mayor bambino

I still got my 44 n ammo
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 09:52 AM
You guys just continue sniffing your lead n shit smoke. If you can afford lead these days lol. You know Biden is going to take your guns away like Obama did smh. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

And litle ts and his Antifa ilk won't last a day in the Civil War they are trying to provoke.

And mght be successful.

Be my Guest - Marxist DPST's - just like the weenie AntiFa who decided attacking bikes in Sturgis was a good idea - none of you have a clue as to who America really is.
LexusLover's Avatar
You know Biden is going to take your guns away like Obama did smh. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Who is "Obama"?

"Biden"? He'll be moving from his basement to the Situation Room.

If he wins! And if he loses, Trump might let him stay there anyway.

Trump will invite him some friends over ....

Those two guys want a "word" with him!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
LOl Putin huggers. You also need to blame Obama for the bone spur in chief of please help me daddy I don't want to get drafted.

Can you putins even spell Osama Ben laundry that Obama took out. I know I can't lol
matchingmole's Avatar
You ain't made it to the Great Awakening, you dang sure ain't gonna make it through the Great Reckoning either. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

The Great Flushing is coming soon........
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joey an Hoey is part of the great reset
DPST's are not well enough educated - nor have the attention span thinking is hard
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 01:06 PM
LOl Putin huggers. You also need to blame Obama for the bone spur in chief of please help me daddy I don't want to get drafted.

Can you putins even spell Osama Ben laundry that Obama took out. I know I can't lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies

in case you had not noticed - Putin is supporting Biden for POTUS - and Russian agencies are using the 'Social Networks" to dump their Biden for POTUS propaganda

Why - they know he is a DPST puppet to the marxist elements of the DPST party.

Biden won't last six months if elected - and Putin, Xi, and Maduro all do love their Marxist k. Harris.
I watched that last night. Does this woman have a pulse?

I can see why she polled lower than whale shit during the primaries.

When you hear the words .....”Joe Biden and Kamala Harris”......admit it, you just want to laugh. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She seems inauthentic to many voters.