Everytime I give ECCIE Hobbyists a Try....

They let me down and have to ruin it for the rest of you!

First of all, Thank you to all my wonderful clients who were able to see me either last week or this week at my Galleria incall! You all were truly sweethearts, I had a ton of fun getting to know each and every one of you during our time together! <3

As ya'll know, this was my first time hosting my own incall, which can be pretty scary for the first time, but luckily I hosted some amazing ECCIE men who really put my faith back into this website with their prompt and friendly responses and their ability to follow directions and send me their screening information in an effective manner. I appreciate you all!!!

Unfortunately, I had a few ECCIE members who failed to keep their end of the deal when it came to my review special, so I will no longer be offering this nor my $50 off discount.

It really sucks when a few bad apples have to spoil the treat!

Hope to see you all after my mini-break! xoxo
tbone77494's Avatar
Goes with the territory- we aren't called fucktards for no reason.

If I were a hooker - and what I prefer - is a simple price structure. I will usually write a review - especially if the lady asks me to - special or not. Then just remember who wrote reviews and offer them future deals as a thank you but via PM.

Hope to see you soon - you're just my type.
dearhunter's Avatar
Who are them bitches stealing $50 from the rest of you other bitches?
tbone77494's Avatar
Fair question dearhunter.
If you can suck cock like a pro... No need for specials..... That attracts the special Ed division of ECCIE.. I.E. The window lickers, like c44 and ww, and a few other barging hunters.....
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Ms. Enchanting, you are so correct in ending your review special if the fellas aren't holding up their end of the bargain.

I always wondered why providers offered review specials, in this format anyway, since they can't do anything if the review isn't done. Also, I think most providers just do it to get some kind of business.

Perhaps you can do this for a review special, if a client writes a good review of you, then give them a discount off of the next session.

I've never done a redhead before, going to take a peak at the Showcase right now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2015, 03:03 PM
send me their screening information in an effective manner. I appreciate you all!!!

Unfortunately, I had a few ECCIE members who failed to keep their end of the deal when it came to my review special, so I will no longer be offering this nor my $50 off discount.

It really sucks when a few bad apples have to spoil the treat!

Hope to see you all after my mini-break! xoxo Originally Posted by Enchanting Elizabeth
Maybe they did not like the session and with you holding their personal information , they decided instead of writing a bad review and having to worry about the potential backlash, they just did not write a review ... they actually did you a favor and did not write what may have been a bad review.

Could be any number of reasons...but this reason I mentioned, is a huge reason why it is hard to believe reviews now days.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All of my reviews are factual.
This girl is too drama prone and is a major whiner.
Funny - every time I set something up with ECCIE hooktards, I get stood up. Except when I don't.

That was extremely nice of you but next time, select or reach out to the Eccie guys who peak your interest and extend an invitation . You have a nice body and some of the veterans would have been more than happy to review you
OP, did you ask them to write a review within a certain timeframe? Some of them will wait until their Premium Access runs out to write one.

Unless you specifically asked for a review to be written within a certain time, wait a bit. You can always PM them to ask what their plans are in regards to when they will write the review.

Wakeup's Avatar
Don't offer a review special on the first visit...offer it on the next visit after they write the review...

These idiots don't care about you, or any "deals" they're supposed to live up to...
....... so I will no longer be offering this nor my $50 off discount.
....... Originally Posted by Enchanting Elizabeth
50 is not enough.

I need 150 off, and I still lose money.

I'm with wtf.....you might be better off them not writing the review.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The critical clowns are too fucking stupid to grasp the fact that she was actually paying us a compliment; the girl is disappointed because she had expected better qualities out of us mutts. There can never be a good reason to treat another person any other way than reciprocally. I do believe in extremely disproportionate return of bad treatment, but if she treats you good then you treat her better. Undeserved poor treatment is how sweethearts become veneficas, and I hope that doesn't happen with her.

OK, sermon over. Review specials are always non-starters. They reduce the attractiveness of the escort who offers them and serve as chum to bottom feeders, the worst of the worst.