australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Im finally getting a chance to write this. On Sunday around 2:45 pm I was helping some of my friends out in Butte Larose doing a little clean up at one of the camps. I was near the waters edge cleaning some brush away from the bulkhead, that when I felt the hardest hit of my life. I look down to see what happened and there it was. I stayed calm, and yelled for help. As my two friends approached I told them I was bitten by a snake, and didnt know what kind it was.

They could still see the snake, I was removed away from the brush pile to safety and the snake was shot and killed. I could see the puncture marks just below my left calf and slightly bleeding. My friend told me I was bitten by a water moccasin, and that I needed to be rushed to the hospital. The snake was placed in a bag and proceeded. During the 40 minute drive to Lafayette, that is when things started to turn for the worse. I started getting nauseated, throwing up, numbness in my left leg. I was having chest pains and difficulty breathing.

When I arrived, I was taken to the room and hook up to IV,s and oxygen and given pain meds. I know I passed out, because the rest is a blurr, and i was in and out of conscience. I was told I was given 6 vowels of anti venom. I spent the rest of the day Sunday, Monday and most of the day today "Tuesday" in a daze. The pain is excruciating. The are watching my left calf for infection and loss of muscle tissue which is possible but not likely. It looks like I'll be in here until Saturday.

I just wanted everyone to know to watch out and stay safe. The good thing is the nurses are good looking. I think I'm going to go back to bed
DallasRain's Avatar
take care babe......don't have too much fun with the nurses! lol

LA Man's Avatar
Glad you are heading in the right direction. FYI nurses are very fun!!! As a matter of fact Ms Athena was a home health wound care nurse, maybe your insurance will provide you with 24 hour wound care with Ms Athena....
Get well soon and be careful.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-30-2013, 09:24 PM
WoW!! Snakes must really represent the Devil for you!

I grew up surrounded by Water Moccasins... some Copperheads... a few Rattlesnakes.... I've even seen a couple of Coral Snakes... therefore I (stupidly) grew up with little fear (but respect) of poisonous snakes. Unbelieveably, we as kids, even had competitions to see who could catch (and keep alive) the most water moccasins in one day! Many close calls... but never once got bit! And I don't think I'm lucky!

It's actually fairly rare to get bitten badly.... I'm happy to hear you're pulling thru!!

Me? I have a fear of spiders! Had one bad bite when I was about twelve.... don't even know what kind it was.... but I hate the little bastards to this day!

Be on the lookout for the nurse with the twinkle in 'er eye that's getting turned on by the Aussie accent!
pornodave69's Avatar
Wow. Glad you're ok. At first I thought you were going to ask if any ladies would do an outcall to a hospital.
  • HB13
  • 07-30-2013, 10:08 PM
Damn, sorry to hear you got bit & had go to through that. I wish you a fast & speedy recovery.
I been hit twice by Eastern Timbers, really sucks, once by the time I got to the hospital the doc said its been too long for anti venom so they gave me tetanus and something else and I sweated it out, luckily it was on a hand and he hit bone and didn't get all meat so was not able to push a full dose. sure swelled up though. I learned a trick that works quite well however, both snake and spider bites, I keep a bottle of nitro glycerin handy and spray the area, makes your heart race and be careful don't overdo it because your BP drops like a rock and youll pass out, but it spreads the venom all over the body which dilutes it quickly, you just feel like you have the flu for a day but no necrosis to the area. Many folks that were bitten by a brown recluse could have survived without necrosis if they would have done that simple thing, but most doctors are unaware. actually learned that trick in a 3rd world country.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the bite. I myself came in close view of a snake just yesterday. no bite I am keeping my eyes open for snakes lol
pornodave69's Avatar
Reminds me of the old joke:

Two guys were hiking in the desert when suddenly a poisonous snake bites one of the guys right on his dick.

"Call a doctor," said the man, as the snake slithered away.

His buddy calls the doctor. Doctor says, "You have to suck out the poison thoroughly or your friend is going to die!"

Dude hangs up the phone, turns to his pal, and says, "I've got some bad news. You're going to die."
trekker's Avatar
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Hope you don't have any necrosis around the bite site. My niece was bitten on her foot a few years ago but couldn't identify the snake. Lucky it was a glancing bite and she wasn't fully envenomed. Because the species wasn't known, antivenin couldn't be used-steroids only.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Glad you are OK Hun!!
bigclitluvr's Avatar
WOW!! Thanks for sharing! Glad you are OK!

Ladies...after that story, please show him some loving!
gimme_that's Avatar
Oh my goodness. That straight sucks.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Best wishes. Take care.