After teeing off Saturday at the private course in Florida where the movie “Caddyshack” was filmed, Mr. Obama hit the milestone number of 150 golf rounds in less than five years in the White House.

And GW Bush?

He stopped playing golf in August 2003 out of respect for the families of servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Obama has shown no such deference.

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I thought 150 would refer to the number of Obamacare enrollees but it's probably way too high. That would be a great comparison to keep track of. Number of rounds of presidential golf versus number of Obamacare enrollees.

After teeing off Saturday at the private course in Florida where the movie “Caddyshack” was filmed, Mr. Obama hit the milestone number of 150 golf rounds in less than five years in the White House.

And GW Bush?

He stopped playing golf in August 2003 out of respect for the families of servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Obama has shown no such deference.

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Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As of today, President Obama has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in, compared with 367 for President George W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. By the way, that was 51 separate trips....wonder how much gasoline, jet fuel and secret service costs that added up to?

Shrub ended up with a record-breaking 879 vacation days during his presidency while he was honoring the 5,000 Americans whose deaths he was responsible for by starting an invasion of Iraq premised on the lie that we would find WMD's. That's 77 separate vacation trips.....on Air Force One. Unless you think he flew economy on Southwest?

This has been pointed out to you repeatedly, you fucking jughead but since you apparently enjoy being knocked around like a red-headed stepchild, there you go again.

I'll also remind you that Bush was on his yearly one month long vacation at his family vacation home in Texas when he was presented with the Presidential Daily Brief from the CIA where he was informed, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, that OBL was, to quote the PDB, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike In US".

At roughly this point in his Presidency, Bill Clinton had taken 84 days of vacation and Ronald Reagan had taken almost 180 days.

So....looks like the Republican presidents are the lazy-ass shitbirds dicking off on vacation all the time.....if one looks at the actual facts, of course.
I wasn't thinking about that Filbone....good point.....and when you add in the people who have lost their insurance against those who signed up the net number is probably around -5,000,000 for Obamacare enrollment.

I thought 150 would refer to the number of Obamacare enrollees but it's probably way too high. That would be a great comparison to keep track of. Number of rounds of presidential golf versus number of Obamacare enrollees. Originally Posted by filbone
Blah, blah, blah........Bush stopped playing golf while our troops were in harms way............but Obama keeps on Teeing up the golf ball....."fore".

With a stagnant economy, Obama shouldn't be taking 1 vacation day, much less the 92 he has already logged !

With 5,000,000 (and counting) losing their health insurance; Obama shouldn't be slacking off on the golf course.....

With wars continuing, Obama shouldn't be playing golf.

With 7.5% unemployment; millions dropping out, record debt, record food stamps, record disability, and the other problems, Obama shouldn't be playing around on the golf course.

And Bush deserved his time off; he presided over a strong economy with low unemployment. But Obama parties while Americans are out of work by record numbers and suffering without insurance.

As of today, President Obama has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in, compared with 367 for President George W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. By the way, that was 51 separate trips....wonder how much gasoline, jet fuel and secret service costs that added up to?

Shrub ended up with a record-breaking 879 vacation days during his presidency while he was honoring the 5,000 Americans whose deaths he was responsible for by starting an invasion of Iraq premised on the lie that we would find WMD's. That's 77 separate vacation trips.....on Air Force One. Unless you think he flew economy on Southwest?

This has been pointed out to you repeatedly, you fucking jughead but since you apparently enjoy being knocked around like a red-headed stepchild, there you go again.

I'll also remind you that Bush was on his yearly one month long vacation at his family vacation home in Texas when he was presented with the Presidential Daily Brief from the CIA where he was informed, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, that OBL was, to quote the PDB, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike In US".

At roughly this point in his Presidency, Bill Clinton had taken 84 days of vacation and Ronald Reagan had taken almost 180 days.

So....looks like the Republican presidents are the lazy-ass shitbirds dicking off on vacation all the time.....if one looks at the actual facts, of course. Originally Posted by timpage
Right, should have known, when you get your ass kicked up between your shoulder blades on the point of the argument that you raised (vacation time), it must be time to slip into the "attack Obama on all points" mode even though it has shit to do with the point that you were originally trying to make, and which got shoved up your ass.

Nice try fuckface. Next.
The original point = Obama has been a failure; he shouldn't be playing 150 rounds of golf.

To compare Bush's vacation time to Obama's is a farce. Bush presided over an economy that rebounded from the Clinton dotcom bust AND 9/11 attacks that devastated this country. Bush earned his time away. Obama hasn't done shit and should be hanging his head in disgrace instead of racking up round after round on the links ! Obama hasn't earned his vacation days.

I guess I understand you trying in some bizarre way to rationalize 77 vacation trips on Air Force One and almost 900 days of vacation for your boy, but nobody with active brain cells is buying. By the way, that doesn't include the almost 500 days Bush spent at Camp David. 149 trips. The motherfucker was on vacation all the time. Including the time when our economy began to meltdown you stupid asshole. And, including the time when American servicemen were dying at the rate of several hundred a month in a war that Bush initiated based on lies, arrogance and stupidity.

Your argument is stupid. Just like you.
Obama can take all the time vacation time and rounds of golf he wants, when he gets the economy back on track, unemployment falls to historic norms, insurance is restored to the millions who have lost coverage under Obamacare, food stamp enrollment is back to norm, disability claims have leveled off, and the American worker gets his 40-hour work week back !

Liberals expect very little from Obama; and Obama hasn't disappointed you guys. Failure, failure, and more failures.
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Bush presided over an economy that rebounded from the Clinton dotcom bust AND 9/11 attacks that devastated this country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And what was the DJIA at when Obama took office in 2009???? It hit a low of 7063 a month after Obama took office. It is now at 15776. You may be able to beat on Obama on many fronts, but not the economy. Compared to the day he took office, almost every economic indicator has greatly improved.

Second, do you expect ANYONE, even the POTUS, to work a 24 x 7 work week??? Give the guy a break!! 150 rounds of golf over almost 5 years is nothing. You probably spend more time than that masturbating.
Yeah; the DJIA is doing great. Obama and his wall street buddies are high fiving over cheap the meantime, while Obama plays round 151 :
Recent years have seen an explosion in food stamp enrollments. Since January 2009, the number of individuals on food stamps has skyrocketed from 31.9 million to 47.6 million.

Not one word in your OP about any of this....but, again, you get your ass handed to you on the point you are so clumsily trying to make...that Obama is lazy....and you have to shift gears to some other made-up bullshit. Sad, transparent and pathetic. Go fuck yourself.
This thread has nothing to do with a lazy character (your description, not mine); and everything to do with results and lack of........

I actually consider Obama to be a high energy guy; he just expends his energy doing all the wrong things - mostly campaigning, fund raising, and demonizing Americans. And what little time he allocates to creating jobs and opportunity for Americans, he is a complete failure.

Based on 5 years of performance Obama doesn't deserve vacation time, much less 150 rounds of golfing.

Idiot CJ thinks it is important to note that Eisenhower played more golf than Obama.........

2 observations:

Eisenhower literally saved the world from Nazi Germany and the economy was both cases Eisenhower deserved the time on the golf course !

Obama doesn't.
Mirror time, Whirly. You're just a sad, angry old man . . . and I am actually sorry about that.

Life is too short to live whining and posting shit all day!

(And, yeah, I'm probably in your age bracket and demographics -- now go try to enjoy SOMETHING!)
