Anyone try sploshing?

Seems to be a growing with popularity fetish.... sploshing I have tried whipped cream and chocolate syrup, it was a wickedly delicious mess... Anyone else?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"Cream" 30 prof whipped cream in a can. Another make is "whipped lighting". But can not be found in upstate yet. "Cream" I found is lots of fun in a can. Chloe has a thread in coed that let us all know that "Cream" was in town.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I see a lot of fetish Gents from different sites and yes, it is starting to become more and more popular. It can be a lot of fun but it is super messy, you blush when you give the sheets to the maid *Giggle*
I think this fad will pass soon enough.
  • LynnT
  • 04-11-2011, 11:24 AM
Its not a fad, it will always bee they just talk about it more. lol

Did this with a BF about 10 years ago.. fun but messy. lol
Being a human sundae is lots of fun.
NerdHerd's Avatar
I'm rarely accused of being in tune with "pop culture" but I can say I did this 20+ years ago. of course in college, budgets being what they were, Raman does not work well ;-)
alphonse1948's Avatar
I have had the pleasure of receiving a sip of rock star,
it is poured through a very nice filter as a lady straddles
my face. Works for me.....
ben dover's Avatar
One of my all time faves is Olive Oil! Baby oil is OK but it's a little too scented. You need a lot of plastic and it adds new meaning to the phrase "slip and slide". Alphonse, I know what you mean, i've done it with Champagne, Beer and Milk! ..BD
offshoredrilling's Avatar

guessing I'm a old fart. rub this on each other. go at each other like greased pigs. wash off in hot tub.