Who are the equal oppurtunity providers?

Please add your name, ladies. Be honest. Bonus points if you are honest about giving discounts to certain groups like Latin Lover Boys, Soldiers, Asians, Indians, or Older White Jewish men, for example.

This should be interesting.

I am an equal opportunity provider, but I dislike assholes of any color, including purple.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I am an equal opportunity provider but agree that I hate the assholes and disrespectful guys.
I do offer discounts to regulars of any race.
Do you ladies do handicapped, mentally challenged and/or amputee/disabled?

Just wondering how far equal opportunity goes.
I'm an EOP. I've also seen the handicapped/disabled. And aren't we all mentally challenged in one way or another?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Thar ain't no l'il filly thet's hunkered down an given meh a discount, e'en tho it's purty durn clear Ah gots sump'in thet's a-wrong wif meh. Ah'm jus' a-sayin'.
HunterGrace's Avatar
Am I? No. I can't be an EOP and be discerning now can I?
Sure you can. It depends on what you are discerning.
Discerning and astute men are pulled from many races and cultures.
Perfect thread Jane. It is easy to see the provider's perspective from both sides. There is no good or bad nor right or wrong answer.

It makes sense that no one wants to come face to face with an a-hole but that can be a hard one to judge from board presence.
I have RW provider friends who have mentioned that some of their sweetest most respectful clients have a totally different board persona. The monitor brings out the alter ego in some.

Likewise we've seen more than a few alerts over the years on mongers who are well behaved on the boards.

I look forward to reading the ladies responses.
HunterGrace's Avatar
Definition of Discerning:
:showing insight and understanding :discriminating <a discerning critic>

Jane, I took your question literally. Equal opportunity meaning no discernment whatsoever. I think your question as I understand it now, was only . intended to pertain to legally protected classes of people, such as race, age,creed, etc.

In that case, yes, I still discern. I refuse to see those who are sick.
There is AA thread. I thought about the rest of the gene pool. Some girls won't see East Indians. They are some of the most respectful clients, btw, from what I have encountered. Some girls won't see Asians. Some girls won't see Hispanic men. Idk why? Bring the Latin Lover boys to me!! Some ladies won't see an obese guy etc.

Personally, I have a bleeding heart for veterans, so I discount them. I feel that's my little way of showing my appreciation. Plus, a man in uniform is just sexy!

Who I will not see- guys that self alert. I study them like they study me. Every date could be a potential bad or good "career" move. I ask myself if I think I will I have fun? Do I think he will treat me with respect? Are we a good match? Is he going to respect my rates or try to haggle. How has treated the other ladies? Is he well spoken and intelligent? Is he going to be clean? Is he going to try to use me as a fuck doll for 59.9 minutes or will he see me as a person too?
Definition of Discerning:
:showing insight and understanding :discriminating <a discerning critic>

Jane, I took your question literally. Equal opportunity meaning no discernment whatsoever. I think your question as I understand it now, was only . intended to pertain to legally protected classes of people, such as race, age,creed, etc.

In that case, yes, I still discern. I refuse to see those who are sick. Originally Posted by HunterGrace
Hunter, you do too see sickos. So do I. We like that shit!

Just messing with you.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-31-2014, 11:41 AM

Who I will not see- guys that self alert. I study them like they study me. Every date could be a potential bad or good "career" move. I ask myself if I think I will I have fun? Do I think he will treat me with respect? Are we a good match? How has treated the other ladies? Is he well spoken and intelligent? Is he going to be clean? Is he going to try to use me as a fuck doll for 59.9 minutes or will he see me as a person too? Originally Posted by Jane Doe
I wish all Hoogars would apply this as standard logic.
It could work to your disadvantage Toyz. I say that with no ill intent. Just as some won't see me because of things I post.

90% of the time you kid around right? That's me too, unless I get real riled up, but sometimes people don't know what to make of a board persona.

I was scared to death of SL. Never seen him BCD, but when I met him in person I liked him.

Same with a local mod. Omg I used to fight with this mod. He walked thru the door at a party... from then on he was like a hobby brother. Loved him. Sweetest guy ever. So, sometimes it's hard to tell by the keyboard. But there are some real tale tale signs and that's what I usually look for in addition to screening/references.

Damn. I'm getting chatty. More sucking less typing. Btw, where is Easy E? I digress.
Whispers's Avatar
I have my preferences....... but have tried ladies of all race and nationality without issue.

I am sure ladies that will not see certain races or age groups are not simply racists and I think it is unfortunate that they get categorized as such.

I've found that my tastes have changed...... I've gone from petite Caucasians to Latina most recently.....

What I do have a problem with are those that cannot accept a "No Thank-you" or "Sorry but I am not interested" that immediately assume it is racial or some other ridiculous issue and simply not a matter of my personal taste,

I started a similar thread after a situation the other night in Sugars. A Black girl approached me and asked me if I wanted a dance. I politely declined. She was walking by an hour later with another black girl and when that girl started to approach me she grabbed her and told her "Don't waste your time on that racist asshole. He has a problem with us niggers"

In her particular case she was too tall and had an ass I did not care for as well as a head full of dread locks..... I like running my fingers through a girls hair. I also hate bright red lipstick on a girl of any race and she had that going against her..