Temporary Handle

Houstonslexie's Avatar
See signature line below & hope to correct this soon.

PS...I never post threADs, so please indulge me on this.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Good luck getting everything back in order.
Houstonslexie's Avatar
Thank you Dearone.

They can fix your account same day.

This account should be closed.
lol All of my handles were very temporary, except this one.
Houstonslexie's Avatar
I sent them a msg when I created this and also PM'd Spiceitup, but it was late/early so I'm not sure he was really online. Anyway, I would be happy to close this as soon as it's fixed, but since the signature line disappeared from my Lexieinhouston handle and my PM's are frozen, there is no way for people to respond to the ad I placed immediately before this happened, unless of course they have met me and have all my personal contact info.

Also, if we can have a 14 (and an 18) page (and counting) debate about whether or not Dorothy NS'd someone, then I would think we could live with this for a few hrs until someone has been able to help me out, lol.

SpiceItUp's Avatar
I've sent the request to admins and they are looking into it. I'm sure it will be resolved quickly. Mods do not have the ability to modify accounts or user permissions groups. Requests of that nature are best directed to websupport@eccie.net

Also, GS the account will be closed but it's not a big deal for someone to temporarily create a second account for the purposes of letting us know there's an issue with their primary. Not everyone realizes they can email or what the addresses are. The site staff take a common sense approach to things like this rather than a hard line stance, context is key.
Houstonslexie's Avatar
Thank you, I was trying to contact someone without creating a new handle last night, but since my account was locked it wasn't letting me view any other posts other than my own.

dtymh55's Avatar
Good luck, I am sure it will be fixed soon.
Houstonslexie's Avatar
Patience is a virtue.

Houstonslexie's Avatar
So, it's been over 24 hrs and the powers that be have not gotten back to me. Spiceitup forwarded my problem to the group in charge of my handle and I also emailed websupport@eccie.net. I'm starting to think it may be easier to just reverify on this handle.

Wakeup's Avatar
No one gives a fuck...you fucked it up...you get to wait for it to get fixed...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I give a fuck.
So, it's been over 24 hrs and the powers that be have not gotten back to me. Spiceitup forwarded my problem to the group in charge of my handle and I also emailed websupport@eccie.net. I'm starting to think it may be easier to just reverify on this handle.

~ Originally Posted by Houstonslexie
This profile will be disabled and you will recieve an email to reset your password for your Lexieinhouston profile.

In the future, NEVER make up another account, email websupport@eccie.net and ask to have your password reset
It happened to me in February and i clicked on "contact us" on the home page and iirc (chica chaser) fixed it within an hour after i explained what i was doing when the account locked.

Funny how you so easily got passed the security features to prevent having two logins.