Wet or Dry

This is a question for the ladies. Over my long and extensive hobby experience and private (non hobby) relations, I have found that some ladies are nearly always lubricated and wet while others are nearly always somewhat dry. I'm wondering about why. Are the ladies that are always damp excited or more easily warmed up? Does it have to do with clit size? Is it a monthly thing? I know that as hormones change so does your libido but there seems to be more to it. My ex went through a medical treatment that brought on menopause and was told she would need lubricant when we had sex but it never materialized. I have also known some much younger women that while excited still didn't self lubricate very much while others just seemed to get WET!!! Just a curiosity to me. Comments ladies????
I had a hysterectomy which is awesome since I have no down time

I'm actually wetter than I was before every time
offshoredrilling's Avatar
preheated your just Mr. Next
or is that good timing, you will do when in need. she just missed the guy she wanted
Or She glad ta met ya

your kinda boring and not very good at foreplay, but she went for it anyways
gimme_that's Avatar
If she needs lube she not enthused........its convient though.


and this is a thread about when ladies double dip the chip and use the same industrial sized bottle between each client.....


Good pussy is like a Good steak. It should be tasty, succulent, juicy, warm, and naturally flavored to perfection. a pussy that isn't wet is still ok I guess........even some brownies don't include fudge. And those true fudge brownies always sort of taste better and go good with some nuts. But I don't openly seek out "some assembly required " vagina either.

Some prefer to put A1 and ketchup on a steak.......I prefer to just have it naturally already flavored. Yes condiments and condoments.........I went there.......

After you have go down and done DATY on your favorite provider and she has professed through fine acting that she has came so hard and she's wet for you the third time......use your dipstick and see if she truthfully needs more oil. Rev her engine to your desired temperture and depth.....
gimme_that's Avatar
But if I'm gonna use lube......I prewarm it in the hotel coffee pot. I don't drink it........so its ok. I'm sure they clean those throughly........
While I appreciate the comments from the men, this was directed toward the women. Maybe I did not make myself clear but I was referring to daily physiology. I did not mean when having sex. Most of us know how to get a woman going through foreplay or maybe she's just horny......But, I've known women that were just wet all the time, going to the store, walking around the house, at work, etc.....That's what I was talking about. OK, how about a quickie where you don't have time to get a woman excited....is she already wet enough for entry or not????
Maybe I'm not asking the right way....There was a provider on here that mentioned she had a big clit and that natural friction kept her wet all the time even when she was not excited. Is that common? Do tight jeans or thongs keep a woman wet or just chapped??
When I'm totally shaved, I'm wet all the time because of the friction. It does make me feel ready and waiting for the right guy, but not horny enough to want to bang just any random guy...
Wet and dry have many many many factors.

Time of month can definitely play part. Type of birth control and bodies response to it. Did she recently take antibiotics for anything? No I am not talking about stds. If we have a UTI or infection in the lungs the antibiotics can, in some women, react in such a way that they do not get wet despite very skilled hands.

Just like you men and your member sometimes our bodies just flip us off. The mind is there, the desire, the arousal, but she just darn right refuses to play. This can be intensely frustrating for all parties involved.

Alternately, we can say chemistry IE biology has a part in this play. If my genetics scream you are an ideal match my body will do everything in it's power to encourage reproduction including offering a canal that could flood a room.

Women tend to be wetter and easiest to arouse during her ovulation.

Another possibility is the amount of attention she has garnered that day. If five came before you than her body may be pulling on the more tired side.

Alcohol can cause dehydration and make tunnels far less lubricated. I could go on but the list is so extensive that I would be here for hours.

Put simply, there are far too many causes and reasons the body reacts the way it does. You can target women who are prone to being wetter by gaging age, reviews, personality types (believe it on not if you and she have a lot in common mentally the body will stimulate far quicker and easier) time of month (hard one I know but not impossible if one plans ahead) and hair.... Yes hair Women with thicker hair that grows over the body tend to have a higher progesterone level which means higher libido and are more inclined to be wetter and easier to arouse.

Understand when she isn't getting wet she is likely just as frustrated by this fact as you would be if your member refused to rise for the occasion.

Humorous side note: the whole time I was typing this a very attractive bond woman on the left of my screen has been rubbing her kitty over and over and over. Can you say distracting?
Do tight jeans or thongs keep a woman wet or just chapped?? Originally Posted by shortstroke35
A chapped pussy has GOT to hurt. Makes my lips hurt just thinking about it..