Testing The Waters (An Extramarital Encounter )

  • grean
  • 05-12-2015, 12:31 PM
Many years ago a married women that worked in the same building as me totally banged my brains out one night after a company party. She completely initiated the whole thing.

That pretty muched ruined me; moral value system out the window.

Now I always wonder if some of these hot wifies I work with, would ever be game. Also I wonder how to tell if they have done so, or would.

Surely no one on this board would habe any experience with that! LOL.

Any inconspicuous, and otherwise subliminal questions/ statements that could be used to fish around UTR?

"Hey, Sexy. Your married, but how about we head to a hotel a fuck each others brains out during lunch" just seems too direct....
LaceyMayForYou's Avatar
I have turned out acouple in my day! I dont think its to direct...if you dont have to ever see the women again. lol
How about saying "Do you have permission from your spouse to have sex with me?" If the answer is no, see a provider instead.
  • grean
  • 05-12-2015, 01:03 PM
Haha. permission.......
pyramider's Avatar
Is there something wrong with walking up to the woman, grab her tits, and dry hump her leg?
  • grean
  • 05-12-2015, 01:21 PM
pyramider, Im shocked at you!
How could you forget smacking her ass as you walk up to her before you grab her tits?? I mean any guy knows if they do that beforehand, it increases the chance of a positive response!
jdkees's Avatar
Well, LaceyMayForYou...

FunInDFW's Avatar
REAL big fan of not shitting where you eat. If you want to pursue it thought, just start with the subtle stuff and lead up to an 'accidental' bump/touch to gauge a reaction. I've had that lead to some coy talk which opens up a lot of possibilities.

edit: If you're packing, wear something to show it off and see if you notice anyone checking you out. Go from there.
REAL big fan of not shitting where you eat. If you want to pursue it thought, just start with the subtle stuff and lead up to an 'accidental' bump/touch to gauge a reaction. I've had that lead to some coy talk which opens up a lot of possibilities.

edit: If you're packing, wear something to show it off and see if you notice anyone checking you out. Go from there. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
And if you're not packing, a couple of golf balls and socks will suffice.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Ask her to go out for drinks after work, just like any other girl. If she says yes take things from there, if she says no she isn't interested in you.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Ask her to go out for drinks after work, just like any other girl. If she says yes take things from there, if she says no she isn't interested in you. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
Just be civil. Always your best smile when you meet her- eye to eye. Be a gentleman with that smile- not a sexy leer. Ask her to lunch with others from the office. Smile. If she is attracted, she will give a hrny female very slight so as not to attract attention from co-workers. Then an undercover note for a lunch alone. After several of those encounters, then quietly suggest apprpraitely, your desire. Could be she will beat you. Better still. !!!
sparrow1122's Avatar
Ya work with hot women?!?!
Why am I a supplier to school cafeterias, surrounded by old lunch ladies!
I hate my job!
pyramider's Avatar
You would benefit from a noose.
Well...back in the day when I worked a civvie job, all it took was that look and smile.

I would melt. And you'd know.

So, my suggestion would be to try to give her that look and subtle smile. She'll probably blush and look down, and if so, go for it!
jdkees's Avatar
Oh yeah, Bambi?