Is there a way to know...

Randall Creed's Avatar
if someone has you on ignore or some measure of a DNS list? I ask this because there are some ladies that I reach out to, be it PM's or emails, and they never ever. i see the logging off and on, and having new messages posted, ads and whatnot, but my messages sent to them go unresponded to and sometimes not even viewed at all.

Women have the right to see who they want. it'd be nice to know if they don't want to see me rather than leave doubt by never responding to messages sent to them.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
No, there is no way to know if you are on ignore or their dns list.
If you try to send a PM someone and they have you on ignore, then your PM will not go through it will say that person is not accepting messages or something like that. There is no clue how a guy would tell if he is on a particular provider's DNS list other than asking that provider. If I wanted to see a provider who has me on her DNS list for whatever reason, I would like to know why, especially when they have never met me in person. In all honesty, the providers that have me on their personal DNS list, I probably would/do not want see anyway, much less pay to see, BCD or otherwise!

If you send a provider a PM and she does not have the courtesy and decency to reply or acknowledge you, then it is time to move on.....too many providers to worry about the few that have no TCB skills.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Happens man. I've PM'd several providers, whether it be about a session or just a question, never to have it 'read' or get a reply. Same providers that have had a prompt reply from before, or have PM'd me out of the blue. Oh well. I'm the kind of person that would just ask, though, if there was any inkling. Saves me time/excitement/anticipation of barking up that tree.

Other hand, I've also gotten PM's that haven't replied to ever. (edit): For better or worse, I've stopped telling providers 'no thanks' after a bi-polar experience form a provider previously... was very disappointing.
I would just move on, tons of ladies here in the DFW met!
Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't have a problem with moving on. I just feel the adult thing to do is to say you're not interested. That way there's at least some closure to the process. If PM's and emails are being blown off, that's just tacky to me. If you're not getting them at all, that's another issue. Just be a woman about the whole thing, I say.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Just move on- no response is a no from a low life with whom you will not gain satisfaction.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Brush your teeth before sending a PM. Being clean and fresh helps when sending a PM.
Many reasons for no response, ranging from too many request for them to answer timely to they have read your posting style.
DNS list you will never know because each lady controls their own business.
Make a good provider friend and have them check for alerts here and
Now the ladies will all get on here and say no way lol
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Posting history/style is golden...bite bite.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Posting style? Feh!!

So, if a guy can just talk like a pansy he's good to go? Well, once you meet up with him, he might decide then to unleash his inner psycho. Or better yet, just be a mooching lurker who contributes nothing to the board?

Sorry for that outburst. Don't wanna give the wrong impression by what I type on message board. Then again, maybe all the ladies I've seen are wrong on what kind of a guy I am.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I don't like a fucking pansy either
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't like a fucking pansy either Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
is that why you have me on ignore?

BBW Katrina's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
I don't like fucking a pansy either Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

Fixed it.