Slut Walk

Fast Gunn's Avatar
So exactly when did Slut Walk become an issue?

Are there issues like these brewing quietly in the USA that we don't even know about?

There are many pissed-off women on that side of the world, but is this the best slogan they could come up with?
So what exactly is slut walk???
Cpalmson's Avatar
So exactly when did Slut Walk become an issue?

Are there issues like these brewing quietly in the USA that we don't even know about?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yeah, there were/are issues like this brewing her in the good 'ol U S of A. In the 1970s, it was the women's lib movement. Today, it is those both on the extreme left and extreme right that have hang ups with women being "objectified". Those on the left believe it is demeaning for women to be centerfolds, XXX actresses, strippers, and escorts. For those on the right, these types of women are nothing more than she-devils from hell sent to corrupt otherwise uncorruptable men. Funny thing-- nobody outside of those 2 warped extremes gives a flying fuck.
my friends went to the slut walk sat!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
If you will watch the video on the link I posted, you will see a lot of angry women in London marching to protest.

Some are protesting having been raped, but why in the world would you call your movement a "Slut Walk"?

It seems to me that the women are labeling themselves with what they are protesting about which only reinforces the negative image.

If women are angry about being treated like sluts why call their march a Slut Walk?

. . . I think they need a much better public relations firm to handle their complaint.

So what exactly is slut walk??? Originally Posted by sweet peaches
lol i see funny well if these ladies are so angry about being called sluts yes they should probally exit the "slut walk"
burkalini's Avatar
Wow not to downplay rape in any way. It's disgusting but have you ever noticed that the women that march in these things are fuggin ugly. It's looks like a bunch of ugly women and dyke lesbians. Now no letters please as I support all alternate lifestyles but why do they always look like this. Just sayin.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I am glad that you said it, burk because there are a lot of people out there that are quietly thinking the same thing, but are too polite to say it out loud.

The first women in the video who is loudly doing all the talking at the start claims she is a rape survivor and you have to wonder who in the hell would ever want to fuck that thing?

The only logical explanation I can think of is that someone like Kappa Gamma Phi had an initiation ceremony for the grunts and you had to fuck someone like her in order to be accepted into the fraternity.

I am not making light of this because I have read stories of these exact requirements being imposed and followed.

It is a screwed-up world we live in and strange things happen everyday.

If you heard of the head of the IMF molesting a maid or a representative texting lewd photos of himself to young girls, you would think it was only a sick prank, but that is what happens and there are far worse things we probably never even hear about.

Wow not to downplay rape in any way. It's disgusting but have you ever noticed that the women that march in these things are fuggin ugly. It's looks like a bunch of ugly women and dyke lesbians. Now no letters please as I support all alternate lifestyles but why do they always look like this. Just sayin. Originally Posted by burkalini

This is how the geniuses of Eccie discuss women's rights?

What a tragedy...or should I say travesty? F*ck it I'm going back to bed.

LOL and obviously I gave up being a slut for more profitable adventures.

But be a slut if you want UK sis - go get it!!!! It won't be difficult, meaningful or at all fulfilling - but it will be plentiful.

Does anyone really not get that video? Really? If you *REALLY* don't get it, PM me. I'll school ya.
This is how the geniuses of Eccie discuss women's rights?

What a tragedy...or should I say travesty? Originally Posted by amusemeant
What she said. Y'all... seriously? I don't know if it's funny or sad that many of the posts in this thread are espousing the very mindset that Slut Walk is protesting against.

I don't have the time or patience to break it down for you, so here's the eternal fount of knowledge, Wikipedia, to give you some background:

"The SlutWalk rallies protest the belief that an attractive appearance and/or a tendency to enjoy sex is an invitation for rape[2], in response to remarks such as made by a Toronto Police officer that "women should avoid dressing like sluts" in order not to be victimized .... The co-founders of the walk, Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis, decided to use the word slut in their demonstration because it is the same word that was used by Sanguinetti to describe the attire of rape victims.[11] The organization's website states "historically, the term ‘slut’ has carried a predominantly negative connotation. Aimed at those who are sexually promiscuous, be it for work or pleasure, it has primarily been women who have suffered under the burden of this label. And whether dished out as a serious indictment of one’s character or merely as a flippant insult, the intent behind the word is always to wound, so we’re taking it back. “Slut” is being re-appropriated.""
Thank you Carrie!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for breaking this issue down for the benefit of the "geniuses" on the board who may not be as smart as you are, Carrie.

The explanation makes a little sense, but frankly, very little and the approach seems totally asinine.

The entire concept is like trying to take crap out of the toilet and putting it on a pedestal and hoping to sell it under a different brand.

Isn't that what brought down Lehman brothers and others when they repackaged their toxic assets and sold them something else?

. . .These women may indeed have a legitimate complaint, but their approach is counterproductive to their cause.

What she said. Y'all... seriously? I don't know if it's funny or sad that many of the posts in this thread are espousing the very mindset that Slut Walk is protesting against.

I don't have the time or patience to break it down for you, so here's the eternal fount of knowledge, Wikipedia, to give you some background:

"The SlutWalk rallies protest the belief that an attractive appearance and/or a tendency to enjoy sex is an invitation for rape[2], in response to remarks such as made by a Toronto Police officer that "women should avoid dressing like sluts" in order not to be victimized .... The co-founders of the walk, Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis, decided to use the word slut in their demonstration because it is the same word that was used by Sanguinetti to describe the attire of rape victims.[11] The organization's website states "historically, the term ‘slut’ has carried a predominantly negative connotation. Aimed at those who are sexually promiscuous, be it for work or pleasure, it has primarily been women who have suffered under the burden of this label. And whether dished out as a serious indictment of one’s character or merely as a flippant insult, the intent behind the word is always to wound, so we’re taking it back. “Slut” is being re-appropriated."" Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Thanks for breaking this issue down for the benefit of the "geniuses" on the board who may not be as smart as you are, Carrie. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
In retrospect, I shouldn't have quoted the entire first part of amusemeant's post -- the portion I was wholeheartedly agreeing with was her dismay over the tone and language being used to, as far as I could tell, dismiss the issues in debate and the women voicing them. So, my apologies for that; I meant to call you all "insensitive clods".

FWIW, I agree with you that the Slut Walk isn't how I would approach the issues were this my cause. Like any protest, however, the main goal is to draw attention to the cause, with education and debate being secondary. I understand why they would choose this method; it's impossible to change peoples' minds or make them re-evaluate their thinking when you have no other way to reach them (or think you have no other way to reach them). Unfortunately, like so many other "shocking" sorts of protest styles, what many on the outside end up focusing on is how the message is delivered instead of the message itself. Alienating an audience frequently renders them deaf to your message.

I also have mixed feelings about "[x] taking back the word [y]", where [x] is a minority group and [y] a derogatory term used against them by people outside the group. This is hardly the first attempt at language re-appropriation; you see this tactic with many minority racial groups and racist terms hurled at them. As far as I know, though, it's not once changed the impact those terms have. I don't know if the "taking back 'slut'" part of the Slut Walk is even worth the effort.
Funny, the only people who call me a slut are the ones I refuse to sleep with lol.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
In retrospect, I shouldn't have quoted the entire first part of amusemeant's post -- the portion I was wholeheartedly agreeing with was her dismay over the tone and language being used to, as far as I could tell, dismiss the issues in debate and the women voicing them. So, my apologies for that; I meant to call you all "insensitive clods".
Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Where in the world did you learn to apologize, girl?

Did you attend the Don Rickles School of Apology,

. . . you little hockey puck?

Those women marching in The Slut Walk may indeed be calling attention to their cause, but they are not actually helping their cause by the foolish way they are conducting it.

Calling themselves by the same name they are protesting being called is about as idiotic as you can get!