catches your eye

Ok guys what exactly catches your eye or puts a lady on your to see list? Her showcase? Online personality?Reviews?PM's.....W hat turns you off of seeing a lady? be honest and help us all improve....
whitechocolate's Avatar
With me it would be all of the above starting with her pictures(face if possible but body type for sure). Most of the showcase pictures, in my opinion, are not that good. The gals need to learn what type of pics turn guys on. Take a look at some I have posted for gals in the nude showcase. I am interested in her services which I get from a review but othewise the reviews arent that helpful. I guess, the right pics, knowing she puts a lot of passion into her sessions and provides the kind of services that I am looking for are what I look at. There is no one deal breaker or maker. Looking at her posts and the words in her ads is of interest but will not sway me one way or another. The right pics in an ad are crucial.
burkalini's Avatar
Good reviews that are consistent. I do like most types of women so I would guess a full menu is important. Most of all honesty. Do not like liars at all.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I guess that most of you ladies already know full-well that men are by nature, visual creatures and what attracts us first and foremost are the ladies facial delicacy, body firmness and physical attributes.

However, those outer qualities are only what open the door to our consideration. In order for her to stay in the room of our attention, she needs other more important qualities that go deeper and have more to do with her character than with her body.

A well-developed sense of humor is always attractive, but impeccable grooming is a must. For me, a melodious laughter is high on my list. Honesty is required. Consideration is expected, but not often found.

Intelligence is always welcomed, but personally, intelligence comes in a far second to affection.

Give me a young well-developed woman who can carry a conversation and is affection enough to know how to know how to deliver a passionate kiss and you have a generous and steady customer.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm going to give the typical guy answer-- it depends. I have my hobby moods, so what catches my eye one day might not catch my eye the following month. If I'm in my college co-ed phase, I'm most likely going to go for a young, hot thing with little regard for her personality; looks are all that matter (along with a solid record for performance). If I'm in my MILF mode, I'm probably going to be more interested in how a gal comes across in terms of personality and presentation on the board. Of course, I still need to be attracted to the lady. Having said that, the number one thing that catches my eye is just how honest or up front a lady presents herself. If she is fake or not forthcoming, most of us will see right through it. Don't put on false pre-tenses to attract our attention.
topsgt38801's Avatar
From this board a lot of it is the attitude I see from the ladies postings. I also check the reviews. Looks fall further down the line. I like companionship as well as the action and I will try and see anyone that meets those attributes. I enjoy the fun bcd, but I also like to be able to talk to the lady and share things to help break the ice.

Still Looking's Avatar
The simplest way to answer this question is to not answer it! Here is what we don't like:

1) Out dated or Phony pictures
2) Lying about age
3) No show case or only 1-4 pictures

If providers would post pictures of "Exactly" the gal that a hobbyist might see that would go a long way. Plus it eliminates several negative issues.
After that let the games begin! Mattress sports should be an Olympic event. I mean really who's not going to watch that?

What can I know without meeting her? Providers and hobbyists alike say that clicking is the most important. Seeing pics and reading reviews doesn't even get me close to the lady's personality. So, now I prefer to see only ladies that have a board presence. Their postings will give me a pretty good idea of whether or not we'll click. It is also very easy to determine what ladies I wouldn't see even if they paid me.

Pictures. Yes, pictures do matter. They should be fairly professional (you don't need to pay a pro, but there are pro cameras for sale). And the poses should not be used for the purpose of hiding body flaws. Hiding ID is ok in my book (hiding face, tattoos, etc.), but hiding a belly bulge is a no-no.

Body Type. I like all body types and have been with all, but prefer spinners not over 5'6" (that makes you shorter than me) with small breasts (nothing larger than a B cup). If you're taller than I am with "big" breasts and I still want to see you, it's because of your personality and pics.

Price. This used to be my #1 consideration, and it is still a strong consideration, especially in this economy. But this consideration has become more integrated into the ones listed above. Like other hobbyists, I don't have unlimited funds, so if you're beyond my price point, I won't call.

Outcall. If you don't do outcalls, I'll never call. I don't mind paying a reasonable fee for your travel, but if you try to milk the travel fee, there will be no date.

Reviews. I don't have PA, so I can't read the salacious part of reviews. I also can't see the rates on your Showcase page. The most I can see in a review that is pertinent to my browsing is the cost of your time and the activities. I've discovered the ladies that I want to see have few reviews, and even if they do, I can's see the details.

Website. This may give me some insight into your personality, but it is skewed. You're just presenting the best of yourself w/o the "warts" that appear on a board.

I mix all this together to find the gal that gets my eye.
Still Looking's Avatar
Charles you are obviously amongst the pro status hobbyist!

With my amateur status I practice the (5) P'S

1) Pictures (Looking for accurate / current pictures)
2) Phone (Pick up the phone I'm horny)
3) Price (Yes I understand I pay you!)
4) Put the car in Drive (We are back to the horny thing.. haul ass!)
5) Post review (Post a review if it was GREAT or REALLY BAD! The hell with all the mediocre BS!)

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2011, 10:01 AM
From this board a lot of it is the attitude I see from the ladies postings. I also check the reviews. Looks fall further down the line. I like companionship as well as the action and I will try and see anyone that meets those attributes. I enjoy the fun bcd, but I also like to be able to talk to the lady and share things to help break the ice.

Top Originally Posted by topsgt38801
Exactly my preferences and what catches my attention. Top, I suspect folks with this mindset are a minority, but so be it.

In my case it goes hand and hand with planning a date at least a couple weeks in advance most the time.
People that book with me originally based on personality tend to be my repeats. To the point that if there is barely any talking during the date I am no shit stunned when they schedule again lol.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Great post Charlse.....

What can I know without meeting her? Providers and hobbyists alike say that clicking is the most important. Seeing pics and reading reviews doesn't even get me close to the lady's personality. So, now I prefer to see only ladies that have a board presence. Their postings will give me a pretty good idea of whether or not we'll click. It is also very easy to determine what ladies I wouldn't see even if they paid me. Same for me...

Pictures. Yes, pictures do matter. They should be fairly professional (you don't need to pay a pro, but there are pro cameras for sale). And the poses should not be used for the purpose of hiding body flaws. Hiding ID is ok in my book (hiding face, tattoos, etc.), but hiding a belly bulge is a no-no. Agreed, Brook of Houston is a good example of not needing pro pics...

Body Type. I like all body types and have been with all, but prefer spinners not over 5'6" (that makes you shorter than me) with small breasts (nothing larger than a B cup). If you're taller than I am with "big" breasts and I still want to see you, it's because of your personality and pics. I too have seen all body types and don't really have a specific type but I will shy away from a provider that is bigger and taller than me. I can handle bigger cause it doesn't take much to be bigger than but taller and bigger intimidates me lol.

Price. This used to be my #1 consideration, and it is still a strong consideration, especially in this economy. But this consideration has become more integrated into the ones listed above. Like other hobbyists, I don't have unlimited funds, so if you're beyond my price point, I won't call.
Same goes for me.

Outcall. If you don't do outcalls, I'll never call. I don't mind paying a reasonable fee for your travel, but if you try to milk the travel fee, there will be no date. Not an issue for me...

Reviews. I don't have PA, so I can't read the salacious part of reviews. I also can't see the rates on your Showcase page. The most I can see in a review that is pertinent to my browsing is the cost of your time and the activities. I've discovered the ladies that I want to see have few reviews, and even if they do, I can's see the details. Reviews play a small part for me, almost minute. I pay attention to comments and I watch when guys ask about certain providers I may be interested in and the responses they get.

Website. This may give me some insight into your personality, but it is skewed. You're just presenting the best of yourself w/o the "warts" that appear on a board. I feel the same about websites as you do. Most of the time I only go to websites for additional info but not for her opinion of herself as I'm sure she is a bit biased lol.

I mix all this together to find the gal that gets my eye. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Frank Zappatista's Avatar
My kink is:
  • Compact (not necessarily spinner; ideally shorter than 5'4" and the shorter the better)
  • A-to-B cup and the occasional carpenter's dream
  • Eyes full of the devil
  • A mouth that loves to be fed; a natural-born cocksucker is to be worshiped. Happy on your knees for an hour or more? We need to talk.
  • Aggressive tongue kissers (I like a woman's tongue in my mouth, perhaps some latent homosexuality on my end (HA!) )
  • A gal who prefers CG/RCG/RACG and,
  • Generally a profoundly, dirty little slut.

I don't expect nor do I desire an act (she ain't my girlfriend, and I've no delusions) but I do expect to be ridden hard and put away wet.

I like bad girls who are turned on by the power of their sex, the fact that an old pig like me will pay to be fucked and forgotten.


I do appreciate intelligent women; In fact, stupid and hot is a waste of time, so let me clarify that while I do not expect lengthy discourse, it is supremely satisfying to be fucked silly by an intelligent bitch. I do not date stupid women in RL where ROI is a crap-shoot; I goddamned refuse to throw good money after bad chasing P2P poon.

Give me average looks and superior mind over fashion model bodies and stupid as a stump any day. Age? Not that important to me. Not as much as knowing that my date is developed philosophically/intellectually. Some college is always a good thing. The best have been grad students or UTR academic professionals.

Do not attempt to play me, don't lie to me, don't try to rip me off or rob me and we'll get along fine.

Dope fiends, drunks, head-cases, pimps or managers...piss off.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Pictures are the most important thing to me. If they aren't my type, it doesn't matter if they have low rates or great reviews. They don't have to be professional pictures, but bathroom mirror pics or really poor quality pics will turn me away. I tend to browse Eros and see if anyone catches my eye, then I look to see if they have reviews on other sites.
Board personality isn't really a factor at all since ECCIE isn't big here and the TER board for my area is mainly just ad threads.

Other factors may come into play later on, as far as seeing her again, but pics are the most important to catch my eye
to bad I am 5'9....
My kink is:
  • Compact (not necessarily spinner; ideally shorter than 5'4" and the shorter the better)
  • A-to-B cup and the occasional carpenter's dream
  • Eyes full of the devil
  • A mouth that loves to be fed; a natural-born cocksucker is to be worshiped. Happy on your knees for an hour or more? We need to talk.
  • Aggressive tongue kissers (I like a woman's tongue in my mouth, perhaps some latent homosexuality on my end (HA!) )
  • A gal who prefers CG/RCG/RACG and,
  • Generally a profoundly, dirty little slut.
I don't expect nor do I desire an act (she ain't my girlfriend, and I've no delusions) but I do expect to be ridden hard and put away wet.

I like bad girls who are turned on by the power of their sex, the fact that an old pig like me will pay to be fucked and forgotten.


I do appreciate intelligent women; In fact, stupid and hot is a waste of time, so let me clarify that while I do not expect lengthy discourse, it is supremely satisfying to be fucked silly by an intelligent bitch. I do not date stupid women in RL where ROI is a crap-shoot; I goddamned refuse to throw good money after bad chasing P2P poon.

Give me average looks and superior mind over fashion model bodies and stupid as a stump any day. Age? Not that important to me. Not as much as knowing that my date is developed philosophically/intellectually. Some college is always a good thing. The best have been grad students or UTR academic professionals.

Do not attempt to play me, don't lie to me, don't try to rip me off or rob me and we'll get along fine.

Dope fiends, drunks, head-cases, pimps or managers...piss off. Originally Posted by Frank Zappatista