Forum Poll - Should We Try Again?

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  • dracr
  • 02-27-2010, 11:16 AM
Good day everyone,

My wife and I have been attempting to schedule our first encounter and due to circumstances beyond our control have had to cancel the appointment twice on the same provider... Which we are both very sorry for and apologized.

The first instance was due to food poisoning, and believe me if you never had this before, it pretty much dictates your day (in our case the whole weekend). So, we had to cancel...

The second time: we set the appointment, then had to cancel due to an emergency with our daughter...

Now being that the provider now probably believes we are full of it and this is still something we both want to try, but due to our track record, don't know if this is all coincidence or if these events are linked and someone/something is trying to tell us something are wondering your thoughts on this matter. So should we:

A. Try again, as the events are not connected
B. Totally forget the idea and give up.
C. Insert your on suggestion.

Thanks Everyone
I would think you should try again but be understanding if the chosen provider turns you down.

I don't think I would just give up, I would have (as you guys say) a plan 'B' to go with in case the first says no.

Good luck in whatever happens...

As a side thought: Have you considered going to a swingers place and hooking up with someone there?