leaving early smh huge disappointment

I am having to leave and I'm not just very disappointed but very upset and damn near in tears.

I've never had a trip like this EVER!

For the last 3 months I've had like 8-10 people asking me to please visit, so I made the plan and came to visit because not only did I miss y'all and kcmo I have a certain individual that has a 1 year celebration coming up so i figure this would be a good time. I guess I was wrong.

Now I'm not looking for a pity party what I want is to just bitch because i feel I've earned that right as I've been on this board damn near 6 years with great reviews (almost 200) and I've always tried to accommodate to everyone's needs. And to the guys who asked me to come knowing I'm also a full time mom I made it here for y'all, which girls who are mom's know how hard that is but I had faith that y'all would do your part since I did my part in actually coming. And I've never been disappointed in any of my stays here.
I always try to stay in nicer hotels to make you feel comfortable because I personally can stay anywhere and make the most of it.

I didn't even make half of what I spent here and I'm going home broke with a lil one that depended on me and now I'm feeling shitty about my decisions.

Now you cab be a smart ass in this post I don't really care at this very moment, maybe later I will but this was crazy and I'm still flabbergasted about this. If you ask a girl to please please cone visit then when she does you should really make time because not only does it cost us 100s of dollars just to come but we take time away from OUR family's. This is our job it's not a hobby for us.

There's so much more I want to say but I just need to find a back up because like I said I have two birthdays coming up and I need to make this right. And i don't want to say too much and tomorrow feel like a asshole for it.

I hope everyone stays safe and hope the end of summer will be great for everyone.

WMJ4657's Avatar
Man that sucks!!

Two years ago in May I made a date with a lady, drove to KC for it sat in parking lot trying to get a
Response from her & finally she answers the text telling me she has to be out of her room by 11am & can't keep the date but don't worry she would make it up, but never has.

Yep those suck!!
KatiforYou's Avatar
Get deposits.

I'm sorry this happened to you. Its August which means back to school and we also have quite a few visitors who are popular right now.

Hope some great gent sees your post and makes your trip with your while.
That does suck girl. August can be such a hit and miss month. And yea you’re right, we take a chance anytime we tour cause we have to spend a lot of money up front not knowing what the turn out will be.

Keep your head up sexy! It’ll be better on your next trip.
Yeah KC has been terrible. I always get deposits and I'm local.
Give you mouth deposit. :-)
I'm guessing my weekend is just supposed to be shit because my uncle was in hospice and I was told that I would have enough time to leave and come back and of course I found out driving home that he had passed away yesterday morning. So now I'm dealing with that and upset with myself for leaving and not getting to say goodbye. I'm pretty sure it was just in the stars for this week to be crappy.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
A LOT of last minute cancellations
NCNS' s like crazy.
It literally takes 2 minutes to send a message..if that.
" sorry something has come up I can't make it" Life happens. BE RESPECTFUL
I have a NCNS Penalty..
I will enforce it.
I don't care who you are...

Men trying to tell you what they will pay.. Things have gone NUTSO.

Plus you've got people who refuse to be screened. Like I am little
& NO FUCKING WAY are you coming to visit me without screening.

Then they don't want to see you because your safety is a priority.

Cool Beans.
I prefer not to see people with that mentality..
I go ABOVE & BEYOND to ensure you are safe, Your identity & our encounter is DISCREET & COMFORTABLE.
And these are REAL issues we are dealing with CURRENTLY in KC & IT'S NOT OK..EVER.

When YOU as a client Do these things.
You waste our time
You FUCK UP our budgets.
We can't schedule our time with our other obligations.
We lose good clients.

For those Gentlemen who are new..
For those who have gotten used to this ROTTEN ASS BEHAVIOR.
Party is over.
I will & I mean it I will put together a Blacklist that all of us Providers can Reference on A regular basis. Within the realms of discretion..it will take a minute & I will utilize advising from mods.

This isn't new but it is COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL.

Shayla..I Am so sorry you are going through this. It's happened to me a few times in my time .
And Nikki
Great idea....deposits.
And Here is A huge HUGE THANK YOU to the GENTLEMEN who NEVER do this...you know who you are..You Know!!

Communication~ Respect~ Integrity

Thank you miss Savannah. Yes it was a really really rotten visit I did have one person who came and saw me who always comes and sees me and it was so nice to see him again.
I know when providers cancel is really can cost the client a lot of money should providers pay a no show fee and be blacklisted too? I know it sucks both way when a no show happens
KatiforYou's Avatar
I know when providers cancel is really can cost the client a lot of money should providers pay a no show fee and be blacklisted too? I know it sucks both way when a no show happens Originally Posted by GoBlue34z
You lost money because a provider canceled?
bambino's Avatar
You lost money because a provider canceled? Originally Posted by KatiforYou
Hookers aren’t the only people who work on commission. If I take time out of my day to get laid and get NCNSed, I lost that time that I could have made a successful sales call. It cuts both ways.
He said “a lot” lol
Omg Gemma lmao
KatiforYou's Avatar