Heil Donald! Yep. Like nobody saw THIS coming!

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Trump Supporters Actually Said They Would Support ‘National Registry For Jews’
December 18, 2015 1:26 am·

It started out as something between a social experiment and comedy, but in the end, Daily Show correspondent Jordan Klepper realized that a focus group of Donald Trump supporters actually supported full-on Nazi registries – not just for Muslim Americans, but also for Jewish Americans.

“This is a group that doesn’t like statistics, thinks Muslims need not apply,” Klepper explained. “Some would consider rounding the Jews.”

The Raw Story notes that “the latter statement was not hyperbole,” and they are right.

“When asking the group to put down their Trump signs if he named a policy idea that would make them fail to vote for the candidate, Klepper found that two of them would still back the GOP front-runner even if he proposed a ‘national registry of Jews.'”

The Republican frontrunner’s cruel mockery of reporter Serge Kovaleski as well as his call for Muslims to be registered did not seem to effect the group one way or another. “None of the participants,” the informal study found, “indicated any reluctance to support the candidate because of either incident.”

Klepper noted that Trump’s allegation “that most immigrants coming into the US from Mexico are criminals,” was patently false.

“I think the statistics are there,” the woman tried to counter..

“I think the vast majority of your statistics are bullsh*t,” Klepper retorted.

Watch the exchange in the video below, and help SPREAD THE WORD.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are lots of videos showing Americans to be stupid, from many points of view. The simple fact is, Americans are stupid. The state-controlled media have lulled us into a catatonic state where reality is no longer acceptable. We accept as gospel the bullshit we are fed, and rarely question the official story.

Not surprised Trump supporters said that. Ask the same question to Hillary, Sanders, Cruz or Rubio supporters. Bet the results would be similar. Americans are sheep.

Hell, Assup, even you support a known liar for President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's a lie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What's a lie, Assup? Do you not support Hillary? If so, I'll retract my statement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I will likely support the Democratic nominee. That, right now, is NOBODY. So you must retract your erroneous statement, Whiny, and admit you published another lie.
  • DSK
  • 12-26-2015, 08:15 AM
There are lots of videos showing Americans to be stupid, from many points of view. The simple fact is, Americans are stupid. The state-controlled media have lulled us into a catatonic state where reality is no longer acceptable. We accept as gospel the bullshit we are fed, and rarely question the official story.

Not surprised Trump supporters said that. Ask the same question to Hillary, Sanders, Cruz or Rubio supporters. Bet the results would be similar. Americans are sheep.

Hell, Assup, even you support a known liar for President. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What you say here cannot be denied by any intelligent, honest poster.
I will likely support the Democratic nominee. That, right now, is NOBODY. So you must retract your erroneous statement, Whiny, and admit you published another lie. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't know how you could continue to support the democratic ticket - Hilary is owned by corporations - Donald Trump would make a great president he owes no allegiance to anyone
I don't know how you could continue to support the democratic ticket - Hilary is owned by corporations - Donald Trump would make a great president he owes no allegiance to anyone Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
And don't forget all of those foreign government "donations " she had donated to the Slick Willy and Shrillary Money Laundering Foundation !
And don't forget all of those foreign government "donations " she had donated to the Slick Willy and Shrillary Money Laundering Foundation ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are correct Hilary is a lying fraud - DEMS are sheep they will follow anyone - I think Hilary will be worst than Onama and it really takes a lot to be worst than Obama.
I don't know how you could continue to support the democratic ticket - Hilary is owned by corporations - Donald Trump would make a great president he owes no allegiance to anyone Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
In the shadows lurks a former Democratic Candidate named Jim Webb who is tossing around the idea of running as an independent. He would also make a good president. The best thing that could happen to America is the likes of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were kicked to the curb never to be seen or heard from again. We need something new and improved for this country for 2016.

bambino's Avatar
In the shadows lurks a former Democratic Candidate named Jim Webb who is tossing around the idea of running as an independent. He would also make a good president. The best thing that could happen to America is the likes of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were kicked to the curb never to be seen or heard from again. We need something new and improved for this country for 2016.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That's true. Jim Webb was by far the best candidate the Dems had. Jeb has no chance at the nomination. Hillary is a shoe in, unless justice prevails. I doubt it. The biggest sham to run for POTUS in history.
That's true. Jim Webb was by far the best candidate the Dems had. Jeb has no chance at the nomination. Hillary is a shoe in, unless justice prevails. I doubt it. The biggest sham to run for POTUS in history. Originally Posted by bambino
Without a shadow of a doubt she is total sham. What truly amazes me is she is allowed to run while being under investigation. So lets say she's nominated and wins the election, and somehow someone in the shadows steps forward with some very compelling and incriminating evidence to the Benghazi case. Will the case go to court, does she get impeached? Or do we just let it go because she's president now? I think it's high time we thought about what kind of person she really is and what she has in store for this country if she's elected. To me it all looks bleak with her in the picture.

bambino's Avatar
Without a shadow of a doubt she is total sham. What truly amazes me is she is allowed to run while being under investigation. So lets say she's nominated and wins the election, and somehow someone in the shadows steps forward with some very compelling and incriminating evidence to the Benghazi case. Will the case go to court, does she get impeached? Or do we just let it go because she's president now? I think it's high time we thought about what kind of person she really is and what she has in store for this country if she's elected. To me it all looks bleak with her in the picture.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It was high time the last time she ran. It's worse now. It tells you how desperate democrats are.
It was high time the last time she ran. It's worse now. It tells you how desperate democrats are. Originally Posted by bambino
I am telling ya the women is totally nuts. If it is an absolute certainty that she gets elected, I would rather keep Obama, lol.

bambino's Avatar
I am telling ya the women is totally nuts. If it is an absolute certainty that she gets elected, I would rather keep Obama, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Maybe she would be overcome by gas pains, and Bill would take over. Better than Obama.