Obama pulls out all the stops (including a cut onion on is finger tips)

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The crying president invoked the image of dead Chicago children as tears rolled down his formerly dry face. If it is such a terrible thing to Obama, why has he waited almost seven year before doing anything? Fraud...

Obama wants to make everyone who sells or buys a gun (but mostly sell) a licensed gun dealer. A license cost money and takes a year to get one...just so you can give your kid a pistol for protection as they move into an apartment.

Obama wants credit for demanding that the FBI and BATF start enforcing the laws on the books. Only something that gun owners, the NRA, and members of Congress have been saying all along. What took Obama so long?

Obama says that he wants to do everything to prevent gun violence (actually, he is acting against gun ownership and not violence) but won't support Kate's Law. Strange...

Obama had a laundry list of mass shootings but his new regs would not have stopped any of them from happening.

When does gun control work? When a steady hand is holding a gun aimed at a psychopath killing peope.